Getting back to the Western Rite Liturgy as a source of communion between Orthodoxy and Latin Rite Catholics -
It is very unlikely.
While there are movements within several Orthodox Churches (Antiochian, ROCOR, ROC and others) most of the Orthodox Laity do not like it. They want the Divine Liturgy of John Chrysostom to the point that they charge heresy for WRO using WRL.
Up to but not including. No communion has been ever been broken even by the harshest "Orthodox" critics of WRO.
Even Father Thomas Hopko has stated somewhere that the Divine Liturgy of John Crysostom and other DL's ARE WHAT DEFINE orthodoxy and that he did not recommend change --- ( I need to verify this comment from where I think I remember reading it)
I for one see the benefit and the beauty of an ancient liturgy that was valid in the Church Triumphant - and remember it took a few years (in some cases a hundred or 2) for the Schism to take hold across the known world and I believe many Orthodox practiced the Roman Mass which was basically the Western Rite Liturgy.
The Western Rite Liturgy was designed to attract and evangelize the primarily Anglican/Episcopal America and England in the 19th and 20th century.
The first WRO DL was in 1870 for those in what is now in jurisdiction of the Church of the Czech Lands and Slovakia. The original impetus came from contacts with those who refused to go along with Vatican I and mostly ended up as "Old Catholics."
In fact the Episcopal's financially supported the Russian Orthodox Church in America in many ways prior to Revolution in Russia and WWI and WWII.
All this is reminiscent of the Bi Ritual Priests of the Byz Cath World --- I wonder how they feel about bouncing back and forth on Sunday between the Latin Mass and the DL?
One of the problems with the premise of this Topic is that we are assuming the Western Rite Liturgy is attractive to Eastern Orthodoxy.
Why should it be attractive to Eastern Orthodox? It should be attractive to Western Orthodox. Why would the Greek Orthodox worry about being attractive or unattractive to the Russian Orthodox?
I think the way the Byzantine Catholics have handled communion and unity with the Holy See is probably the best model
Best model for what?
- practice AND PRESERVE your traditions in communion with the Holy See.
Jerusalem? Antioch? Alexandria? Constantinople? Moscow? New Justiniana/Nicosia? Mtskheta-Tbilisi? Athens? Tirana? Sofia? Belgrad? Bucharest? Warsaw? Prague? Washington? All of the above, including (via Bucharest and New Rome) Old Rome?
Watch out for Evangelical Christian converts to Orthodoxy -
they are the most vocal about their opposition to the Holy See
- due to past hatred of the Pope?
LOL. Yeah, that's what it is. Only thing separating them from "the Holy See" is their past hatred of the pope. In the Vatican, that is. They all love the original Pope, in Alexandria.
The former evangelicals are pikers compared to large numbers of the Russians and, of course, Mount Athos. There are former evangelicals/baptists etc. in the later, but I don't think they formed the Athonite opinion on the supreme pontiff of Pastor Aeternus.
due to insecurity about their conversion?
Yeah, that's it. Couldn't possibly be their emulation of the Pillars of Orthodoxy, SS. Photios, Gregory Palamas (the guy removed, and now recently restored, to the Melkite calendar approved by the Vatican. Don't know about the rest)and Mark of Ephesus.
using Orthodoxy as the sharp knife of polemics?
They also seem to think they are the most Eastern Orthodox people who have ever inhabited planet Earth!
No, just the most Orthodox. Not the most Eastern, as most are quite Western, and insistent on that.
Some are right. I remember at my old parish, a woman (who had previously, at a meeting on outreach and evangelization, prattled on about "getting our own," not taking notice that besides herself only one or two other persons at the meeting was not a convert), when she heard I had been to the parish which is now my parish, which had come from a Bible study at Wheaton College into Orthodoxy, if I thought "that they will ever become Orthodox like us." "God, I hope not," was my honest reply.
The Antiochian Orthodox Church is loaded with them.
May we harvest many more!
And the Western Rite Vicariate of AO seems very polemic to me
Specifically how?
The most polemic activity in Christendom seems to be from the entities that are the closest together in Dogma and Traditions. (ie Catholic Anything)
This question is loaded with questions of what you mean in practically every term, so I can't comment at the moment.