The Socialist leaning media in this country and the Democrats would have you believe that the poor muslims are just misunderstood. They downplay and deny every atrocity committed by the Hagarenes. No, this is not a hoax. This is a screen capture monitored by Memri TV (
Khawaaja Obama, Nancy Pelosi and ilk openly supported the overthrow of Mr Qaddafi in Libya. Now, Qaddafi was a dog, but a dog on a chain. Mr Obama killed the dog and replaced him with a pack of freely roaming rabid wolves in the form of the radical islamists now running Libya. Can you spell Al-Qaeda? And again in Egypt , they supported the overthrow of Mubarek and replacing him with the radical islamist Muslim Brotherhood. And now the Comrade in Chief is openly supporting the islamists trying to overthrow the last country in the Middle East where Christians are protected, Syria. Thank God for Mr Putin and Russia standing up for the Syrian Christians by supporting the Syrian Government.
Now thanks to the ignorant Washington Elites, Coptic Christians are being slaughtered in Egypt, and are fleeing in droves, over 100,000 since March. Libya, Orthodox Churches are now being attacked and burned, Mr Osama has his way, there will not be a Christian left alive in the Middle East within 5 years.
America used to wear the white cowboy hat on the international scene. Not any more. It appears that the white cowboy hat has been replaced by a white Ushanka, at least as far as standing up for Christianity is concerned. Remember this picture when you vote on Tuesday.