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Canons with ode 2 appear at in the liturgical books on Wednesdays in Cheesfare Week, the Great Fast and Holy Week, as well as on:
1. Meatfare Saturday (comemoration of all who have died since the beginning of the world);
2. Cheesefare Saturday (when we commemorate all holy monks and nuns);
3. Thursday in the fifth week of the Fast, as part of the Great Canon of Saint Andrew of Crete;
4. On the Saturday before Pentecost (I think) - again, when we remember ALL the departed, not just those who died in the Faith; and
5. At Compline on certain days in the Fast.
NONE of these is on a Sunday. The canticle for Ode 2, the so-called "Song of Warning" of Moses, is just not festal enough for Sundays

Jeff Mierzejewski