This past Saturday, December 1, was the 9th anniversary of the repose in the Lord of our beloved fellow forumite, John Royce, who posted here as Orthodox East and at as Hypo-Ortho. Old-timers here will recollect that John was seated at his computer, reading his beloved forums, when God took him to Himself.
Lord, we thank You for letting us know Your servant, John, a gentle man and gentleman. Trusting in Your Wisdom and Mercy, we pray that he is with You in a place of light and love, where there is neither pain nor suffering, neither grief nor sighing.
We ask also that John's family, particularly his wife, Christine, and their children, be comforted by joyful memories of their times with him in this life and the prayerful expectation of reuniting with him in the hereafter.
May John's memory be eternal.