When I first met him, Mitred Archimandrite John (Mowatt), of blessed memory, was Administrator of the former and much-beloved Our Lady of Kazan Russian Greek-Catholic Mission, in South Boston. He served the Divine Liturgy according to the Great Russian Rescension at my grammar school, during the Chair of Unity Octave, back when I was a fifth or sixth grader in the mid-50s. It was my introduction to Eastern Catholicism and the Byzantine Rite.
He later served at the Byzantine Chapel at Fatima, which he founded, as best I recollect. As you indicate, he was subsequently incardinated to the Eparchy of Stamford of the Ukrainians, during which time he pastored St Michael's UGCC in Woonsocket.
He was very close to Melkite Archbishop Joseph (Tawil), of blessed memory, and I believe that it was Patriarch Maximos V, also of blessed memory, who conferred the dignity of Mitred Archimandrite on him. When Archimandrite John reposed, the Funeral for a Priest was concelebrated by Melkite and Ukrainian clergy at the Melkite Cathedral of Our Lady of the Annunciation in Boston. He's interred at Mt Auburn Cemetery in Cambridge, MA.
Archimandrite John authored a small book titled "The Holy and Miraculous Icon of Our Lady of Kazan", copies of which appear at [] from time to time. He also edited "Looking East (Quarterly of the Byzantine Center at Fatima, Portugal)" - copies of individual numbers of that publication also can occasionally be found at abebooks.
Many years,