And specifically about minors and morality. Wanna know something else? Something that keeps me from using the Russian internet when I can help it. The most obscene pornographic popup ads appear on Russian websites geared specifically at teenagers and young people! I cannot imagine what would be going through my mind if I were a minor and exposed to that filth. If I did have my hypothetical child, I do not know what kind of blockers I would need to install and if they even exist against this problem, so he would not click on a music-sharing site and all of a sudden be looking at two adults having intercourse or worse. I am not joking at all. If they want to regulate morality, why not start there? But it will probably tick off some people. For the record - this does not occur on the American internet. I use both on a regular basis, and I testify. You get pornographic popups in the American internet only if you specifically seek such content and do not have filters on.
Good points. I am all for censorship of the internet like in China.
I respect your opinions, dear Mariya, because they are informed opinions about something which you know intimately, just like I would like my opinions of Greece and/or the United States respected.
As I said, I think that we Americans are the kindest and most genuinely compassionate people on earth. I would like that to continue, and for this country to see the downward path it is taking in so many ways.
I also have anger towards politians here,just like you do with Russia, but I honestly do not think that my (or any one else's) opinions matter. The fate of this country has been decided from above and more and more people are becoming atheist. We are seeing all the evils that bear fruit from that.
We used to be the most religious and God believing country, but, sadly, not anymore.
May God have mercy on this world.