I was able to go to Church yesterday! GLORY TO GOD!
The sciatic nerve got a lot better with black cherry juice, and water melon. I don't know what is going on with me. Now my tongue and lower front jaw are going numb off and on, which is another part of dystonia.

But, also, yesterday for the first time from my heal on the inside of my leg I am having sciatica in, up my leg was very painful and numb. I am not diabetic or anything. I guess dystonia.
I am so blessed by God! I just wan't to be able to be out and about, not in bed. I wan't to help people, not have to have people helping me. God is amazing, he has helped me to overcome so much physically in my life, that I have learned to GO with. I guess I will figure this out too, with God's direction, and keep going.
Thanks for your prayers. They are returned!