Perhaps the American could be Cardinal Sean O'Malley. Boston was one of the worst areas affected by the sexual abuses. I am fearful that the College will downplay the horrifying affect of the crisis on he present loss of faith in the West. It is as traumatic as the indulgences scandal in launching the Protestant Rebellion, in mu humble opinion.
Electing a Pope from a Communist-dominated region was a brilliant move by the College, and a blessing from God. This College will make the proper choice, guided by the Holy Spirit. Ireland is Ground Zero for the sex abuse crisis, and also a nation plagued by economic hyper-individualism and western secularism.
And most especially, loss of faith due to secular domination and from the sex abuse crisis.
This is not the year for Africa or Asia. Those churches will continue to grow, by leaps and bounds. The Church of Ireland is emblematic of the Western Church in decline.
Right, after all, he IS Irish-American. Also, there was a news story recently about Cardinal O'Malley having origins in my area of the country, since he was the pastor of a Lakewood, OH area RC Church before moving to Pennsylvania, where he became Bishop O'Malley, then moved up the ranks, and became Cardinal Archbishop of Boston. Nice to know about his local roots, though. I'll definitely be in his corner.