Vatican Embassy, Ukrainian Embassy To Vatican Rule Out Francis І To Visit Ukraine Soon Friday, March 29, 2013
Ukrainian News Agency apostolical nunciature in Ukraine (Vatican diplomatic mission) and Ukraine's Embassy to the Holy See (Vatican) rule our visit of Roman Pontiff Francis І (Jorge Mario Bergoglio) to Ukraine in the short term, Ukrainian News Agency has learned from the representations' staff.
"We do not know [about the visit to Ukraine and the terms], if we know we'll inform... It's too early now, he [the pontiff] has been elected not long ago. He will be in Rio de Janeiro, in Brazil in July on occasion of the World Youth Day... The visits are announced six months or one year ahead," the apostolical nunciature told.
The source says the diplomatic mission still has no information about if the Vatican even is considering a possibility of the Holy Father's visit to Ukraine.
The Ukrainian Embassy confirmed this.
"There is no question [of the visit] yet. This is a remote prospect," noted a staff of the Ukrainian Embassy to Vatican.
The Ukrainian diplomat also says Ukraine is conducting no official negotiations at the moment on Francis І visit.
Before, the media reported the Head of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church Sviatoslav (Shevchuk) telling about an invitation, sent to the Pope, to visit Ukraine, and that it is already necessary to get ready for this visit.
At the same time, the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church's press secretary Ihor Yatsiv has told Ukrainian News Agency that the invitation was sent in the congratulation addressed to Francis І on his Pope election.
"Here it goes of His Beatitude Sviatoslav wrote a congratulatory letter to Pope Francis І on his election. He also invited to visit Ukraine when possible on occasion of the 1025th anniversary of baptism of Rus. It is hard to tell how possible this is," he stressed.
In his words, there was no reply to the letter of congratulations.
As Ukrainian News earlier reported, Bergoglio was elected the 266th supreme pontiff on March 13, and adopted the name Francis І.
Pope Benedict XVI planned to visit Ukraine in 2012.
In 2009, then President Viktor Yuschenko in frames of his official visit to Vatican had an audience with Benedict XVI; Yulia Tymoshenko, a former prime minister and current leader of the Batkivschyna All-Ukrainian Association party, met the Pope later that year.
In June 2001, then Pope John Paul II spent five days in Ukraine, having visited Kyiv and Lviv.