What Pope has ever led or taken the Church into error?
I know several that have expressed heterodox opinions, but none I know of has ever declared their opinions to be the actual teaching of the Church universal.
Pope Leo IX for starters, which Pope Pius IX brought to its logical conclusion.
May I ask what Pope Leo IX did or taught that was heterodox?
I know Pope Pius IX had neo-ultramontanist tendencies, but that opinion lost at V1. Aside from that, is there something else Pope Pius IX declared as the teaching of the whole Church which is heterodox?
1.2B Catholics worldwide on seven continents... It will ALWAYS be easy to find something to scoff at. That will never ever change.
Well said! Good to see you back posting, my brother - it's been a while!
Many years,
"One day all our ethnic traits ... will have disappeared. Time itself is seeing to this. And so we can not think of our communities as ethnic parishes, ... unless we wish to assure the death of our community."
is there something else Pope Pius IX declared as the teaching of the whole Church which is heterodox?
In the Syllabus of Errors, he taught de fide that it was heresy to say the Catholic Church could exist independently of the Papal States. We know how that worked out.
1.2B Catholics worldwide on seven continents... It will ALWAYS be easy to find something to scoff at. That will never ever change.
You attribute the problems to the sheer number of Roman Catholics in the world, while I attribute them to the fact that there has been a general liturgical collapse in the Latin Church.
Solemn Mass (Missa Solene) at the Basilica of Our Lady of Aparecida
Closing Eucharistic Liturgy at the LA RE Congress with Archbishop Gomez as the main celebrant
Cardinal Bergoglio as the main celebrant at a "Children's Mass" in 2011
I should add to my previous post by saying that the nonsense at Christ the Light Cathedral is not the worst thing I have seen in my more than 25 years as a Catholic living in the Oakland Diocese. Yes, I have seen even worse things that that load of drivel.
May I ask what Pope Leo IX did or taught that was heterodox?
I know Pope Pius IX had neo-ultramontanist tendencies, but that opinion lost at V1. Aside from that, is there something else Pope Pius IX declared as the teaching of the whole Church which is heterodox?
P.S. Wondering if this is off-topic (?)
Stuart already gave a partial answer (I would, but perhaps he would not, add that Pope Pius IX issued Pastor Aeternus).
Pope Leo IX proclaimed the Donation of Constantine as the Gospel Truth, and demanded we accept it as such. He also fought a crusade against the married clergy and in enforcing the mandated celibacy for all the way down to subdeacon.
I'll add Pope Benedict VIII added the filioque to the Creed in the Roman Latin Mass at the demand of Emperor Henry (one of those instances of Caesaropapism that supposedly only we have).
Btw, the Ultramontanists won at Vatican I, notwithstanding all the niceties to the contrary. Vatican II in Lumen Gentium et alia made that clear.
1.2B Catholics worldwide on seven continents... It will ALWAYS be easy to find something to scoff at. That will never ever change.
Well, true...but out of those 1.2 billion, only a few million are of the Eastern Rite, so I'm sure that we will certainly have to think hard about what our future under Pope Francis will be like.
1.2B Catholics worldwide on seven continents... It will ALWAYS be easy to find something to scoff at. That will never ever change.
Well, true...but out of those 1.2 billion, only a few million are of the Eastern Rite, so I'm sure that we will certainly have to think hard about what our future under Pope Francis will be like.
I remain hopeful that the Congregation for Eastern Churches will be done away with, but so far there have been no substantive changes to the curia.
A slightly strange kind of victory that -- how's ultramontanism doing today (less than 150 years after Vatican I, a small period of time in the big picture)?
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