Yes, I have a copy and it was recommended to me by Fr. Archimandrite Sergius Keleher (+ memory eternal!).
It contains Akathists to: the Ascension and Nativity of our Lord; to the Holy Spirit; To the Most Holy Theotokos the Abbess of Mt Athos, Assuage my Griefs, Deliverance of those who suffer misfortunes, the Inexhaustible Cup, the Protection, She who healeth and Unexpected Joy; to Sts. Ambrose of Optina, the Fathers of the Kyiv Caves, the Fathers of Mt Athos, St Basil the Great, St Cyprian, St Elizabeth the Grand-Duchess of Russia, Sts Faith, Hope and Love, and their mother Sophia, St John of Shanghai and San Francisco, St Juliana the Merciful of Lazarevo, to St Luke the Evangelist, St Mary of Egypt, St Matthew the Evangelist, St Maximus Sandovich of the Lemko People, St Moses of the Carpathians, To the Fathers of Optina, to St Photios of Constantinople, St Theophan of Vyshensk and St Zlata Chrysa of Mglen.
A real treasure of liturgical beauty. Every Orthodox and Catholic Christian should have a copy.