Getting help is not a bad thing, sometimes we just have too.
While Fr. deacon Stan was so ill, and many times it was more than I could handle, I took us to see a psychologist. You know sometimes you can only lay so much on your kids. It was a lot easier for us to talk to her, than it was our kids.
His last time before his passing, he asked to talk with her alone, and I gladly obliged. So it took me a long time to get up the nerve after his passing to ask (not like she was really gonna tell me) what they talked about.
She said he was just telling her that he said he was ready to go home, and all the things he thought about.
You know, I really think he asked her to keep after me. I could swear (and I don't swear) she was asking me questions about how I was doing just like he would have, in the same type of voice

All I am sharing with you, is it is OK!