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Posts: 10,994 Likes: 10 | is about time--and about time that America follows suit. I pray with all my heart that it will. Maybe the world is finally saying 'enough is enough'. Russia banning any homosexual prosletyzing to children, the U.K. blocking online porn....Good for these countries!
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Good luck with that. Technologically, it's pretty much impossible to do.
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Before I retired from teaching, I would often hear principals and out-of-touch old sisters talk about blocking the internet to protect the children. I always pointed out that some kids would be blocked, but many others were smart enough to find ways around any of our blocking attempts. Generally, the kids were technologically a few steps ahead of the adults most of the time.
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If it is impossible Stuart, then how does China block it and other sites?
So many young minds are being corrupted and spoiled by images a young child should never, ever have to see.
So many sick men seek out sick images and then act upon them, abducting, raping and killing innocents all the time in the United States.
The Fathers and saints warn about seeing impure images and how the demons work through them and possess the soul.
Why so many naysayers? Are 'liberties' so important that we must allow the devil to have his liberties also?
Forgive me, but I am sick and tired of hearing of yet another child abducted and killed, and a society that claims it is free, but there is no freedom when children cannot be free to roam six feet away from their house without the fear of a sick demonically possessed sexual predator somewhere ready to abduct them. I cannot think of anything worse than this. I say enough is enough..
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It would probably be more accurate to say that the UK will make pornography less accessible, which is a good thing.
Yes, it is impossible to completely block Internet pornography, but we can make it less easy to access, which is very good for those who can fall into this addiction almost unwillingly. I am especially thinking of young men who do not truly want to view pornography, but easily find it and then quickly become addicted. Likewise men who have already become addicted and are trying to break that addiction - this will make it easier for them to avoid pornography.
Just because we can't completely block pornography doesn't mean we shouldn't try to minimize access to it.
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"Not to oppose error is to approve it; and not to defend truth is to suppress it." ~ Pope Felix III (483-492)
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China's Greqat Firewall works by blocking entire sites, as well as by selecting particular phrases or key words, but above all, it does so by making everything going into China pass through Chinese government-controlled servers, which allow it to do that thing everybody says they don't want the U.S. government to do--read everybody's e-mail and internet transactions. But the Brits can't do that--the UK has to abide by the same privacy laws as the rest of the EU, so the best it can do is look for pornography sites on British-based servers and attempt to shut them down. But very few pornography sites are in Great Britain. By using proxies and other methods, most objectionable material comes from offshore. In fact, the majority of pornography sites are hosted on servers in Eastern Europe, including Russia and Ukraine (who are among the world leaders in the industry). Given the levels of corruption in both countries, attempts to shut down such a profitable activity are going to be futile.
Additional things to think about, Alice, since you continually demonstrate an affection for authoritarian and totalitarian solutions to moral and ethical problems.
First, that anti-gay propaganda law in Russia, that everyone seems to think so wonderful, is not intended principally to prevent the dissemination of homosexual materials to school children. It is designed to prevent public protests by human rights advocates who are upset by the way in which homosexuals are routinely harassed, beaten, raped and killed on the streets of every Russian city. We may decry homosexual behavior as sinful, but we cannot look away from the degrading and inhuman way in which homosexuals are actually treated in Russia, which is a sin against God as well as an offense against human dignity. It is simply indefensible, and it is disturbing to see people try, even if by misdirection or silence.
Second, child abduction and murder is lower today than it was in 1960. You can check the statistics with the FBI and National Institutes of Justice. And a child is most often abducted or abused by a parent, relative or custodial guardian, not a stranger. The perception that children are in greater danger today is an illusion created by the existence of competing 24-hour news channels seeking to win ratings with the most sensational and lurid stories imaginable. "If it bleeds, it leads".
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Don't agree with you. can twist the 'facts' all you want to suit the liberal agenda. I don't buy it.
My concern is and always will be for the rights, the safety and protection of children, and not the selfishness of those persons and groups who cannot see past themselves, their own desires and pleasures.
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Given the laws in the U.S. the most anyone can do is minimize access. It can't be blocked. Even innocently, things happen. One of my middle school students was looking for information on the White House. She typed in instead of and got a porn site. It's everywhere.
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A good friend of ours, after her husband passed, was confronted with this horror, within a month. Here, her oldest son who had been(still is) married for twelve years and four children then, told his wife about his porn addiction and subsequent affair which had been going on his entire marriage.
He had found the porn as a pretty young guy online, first in magazines, then online. By God's grace he has been delivered from it. One week he was really weak, he got on his wife's iPad and found a place. Of course it caused a fuss. His mom and wife think it was a way of letting his wife know there was a struggle.
She is an amazing mom and wife, who has diligently worked through it with him. They are a beautifully faithful family now. She was ministered too by a Southern Baptist Church, so she is away from the Church, but happy in the Baptist Church. This is someone, a family that in your wildest dreams could never think of such a thing to happen in it.
I understand the need to leave things open and free. I was working on some research for one of my husbands papers on ECF he had asked me to look up for him, when that stuff grabbed my computer. Oh my God! I don't even say that normally, it took over and flashed stuff at me I could never imagined. I became hysterical, screaming. The only way we got it off, was to unplug everything from the wall, literally. Then had to have it cleaned. I mean really, reading about the Early Church Fathers, and I'm hit by porn. Oh my!
Actually, it was so impactive on me, the fright, it still makes me shake today. So imagine what it does to a child's mind. My DIL, was working with my grand son on a site the school wanted him to use, a FIRST GRADER, there it was.
An adult male friend, using a computer in the library, trying to search for something, the porn came out of nowhere. They are hollering at him, about what he was doing, he told them he didn't do anything. They had to shut the library system down, it had been hacked.
There has to be some type of control. satan
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satan comes to rob, still, and destroy! He gives less who, when, what where, as long as they end up living in his hell hole.
Modern laws are great, but to many are too the point where criminals have the rights over the just. There has to be a way to get control. However true control is only going to come through conversion of the soul of man. So the burden for what is happening, in some ways falls on us.
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Said Blessed John Paul II: "It is possible that in certain cases the evil spirit goes so far as to exercise his influence not only on material things, but even on a man's body."
While sin is a key toehold or "entry," so can hidden emotions of jealousy, lust, anger, or resentment.
"Satan operates on the principal of toehold, foothold, stronghold," says LaBriola. "Enticement leads to desire, which leads to sin and left unchecked, eventually, death. Give Satan a toehold and he'll turn it into a stronghold before you've had time to catch your breath.
"When Satan tempts you to be bad, bored, busy, or boastful, he'll usually begin with a toehold, not a stronghold. An unconfessed venial sin might be an example of a toehold. An unconfessed mortal sin is definitely an example of at least a foothold and an opportunity for Satan to lay claim."
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Oh yes, the British government is on the side of family values. That's why they just passed a law to call same-sex couplings, "marriage". This has nothing to do with expanding state control and everything to do with the children. Won't anyone think of the children?!
Not to mention that anybody who thinks an Internet filter works is ignorant of the facts.