Dear John,
That would be St Amphilochius of Pochaiv, glorified not too long ago.
He was a monk who was imprisoned and who was known to use Holy Water, his Cross and Gospel Book to cure those with nerves, emotional problems - all the way to mental disorders.
He was arrested by the Soviets and sent to a mental hospital. While there, he told the warden that he could cure all the people there in two weeks . . . So the warden told him to go ahead. "But," St Amphilokhy said, "I need my Cross, Holy Water and Gospel Book." "No," the warden replied, "You cure them without those things." "Well," Amphilokhy said, "Would you send a soldier into battle without his weapons?" He was finally released from the hospital through the visit of a woman who convinced the warden to let him go. That woman was . . . the daughter of Joseph Stalin himself.
Students and others would come to him and tell Fr. Amphilokhy that they were "nervous." "You are nervous? Well, here is a rule of prayer for you to help you get over your nervousness," Amphilokhy said.
The rule consisted of 300 prostrations daily, 600 Jesus Prayers, reading of the Psalms etc. No more nervousness!
Three wounded Ukrainian anti-Soviet fighters came to Fr. Amphilokhy and were soon well enough to go back into battle. A woman nurse who saw their condition and how quickly they were healed commented in her diary, "I wonder what marvelous herbs Fr. Amphilokhy used to cure them in such record time!"