I REALLY don't think its wise to distinguish between Orthodox & Catholics.
What would you suggest instead?
There are priests (Orthodox & Catholics) - i've met both, who seem to teach that the other church are heretics, and are not saved. We have to move away from this.
I think you are all theologically capable at least to figure out that whether a catholic believes in the filoque or not, it doesn't impact their salvation.
We ought to be focused on salvation of souls, not labels.
Salvation of Souls is through the sacraments : "Whoever eats my body and drinks my blood WILL HAVE ETERNAL LIFE".
It cannot be clearer than that.
I'm suggesting to the Orthodox folk that a protestant becoming Catholic is a far better state than him/her remaining protestant; or not even knowing God.
I'm suggesting to the Catholic folk that a protestant becoming orthodox, is a far better state than him/her remaining protestant.; or not even knowing God.
We share fundamental truths that unite us more than divide us. If we focus on what divides us, we'll lose out on bringing people to Christ.
There's a strong hatred in the Catholic rite against the orthodox faith. I do not understand why this is; but if it continues, if your priests continue to teach their flock that Orthodox are all heretics, then this will lead many people away from God.
There's no point in our Bishops discussing unity if they agree on any formula that unites us, yet we are divided and have not yet received each other in a Christian fellowship.
This has to stop.
I brought someone to the Christian faith. Of course the most obvious place for that person to learn and have fellowship was in the Catholic Church.
After sometime away, they called me to invite me to attend liturgy with the new prayer group they had met. These were latin rite catholics.
It turned out that their priest, the youth, everyone there was telling this person to stay away from me because I was heretical (being Orthodox).
Me? The one that brought that person TO the Catholic Church??!
If you look at this example above, can you see how destructive it is, or how destructive it could be if it happens at a global scale?
And why was I heretical? Because the Bishop of Rome was not my Bishop.
How does that save? How does the successor of St Peter save you?
Is it the successor of St Peter, or St Peter's Church. There's a difference. This makes no sense.
The above example shows how Church servants are more focused on the label of the garment than actually wearing or putting on the garment. This is pure fanatism.