I hope that it is all right for me to bump this thread, which is a few months old. Forgive me if this is unacceptable.
I bumped this specific thread because I wanted to ask a question concerning something that mardukm said therein (particularly the portion that I have bolded, below):
The Decree does refer to the Son as aitia and arche [of the Holy Spirit]. . . [but] the Decree distinguishes the Father as "source and principle," while the Son is "cause and principle." . . . [T]he Latins and Greeks did not use nor understand the same terms in the same way. It is obvious that the Latins did not understand arche nor aitia to mean source or first cause, while the Greeks did. Arche(Latin principaliter) and aitia(Latin causa) were understood by the Latins in the very general, philosophical sense, while the Greeks understood those same terms in a very limited, theological sense.
. . .
To repeat, the Latins never intended at Florence to claim that the Son is Source or First Cause, like the Father, of the Spirit. It is merely that Latins and Greeks used the SAME words to mean different things, and thus a very unfortunate misunderstanding ensued that has lasted centuries down to this day.
I am not sure that the bolded claims can be maintained in the light of what the Decree of Florence actually says. In fact, it seems to contradict some of what you have said. Here is the relevant portion (note the bolded and italicized portions):
[T]he holy Spirit is eternally from the Father and the Son, and has his essence and his subsistent being from the Father together with the Son, and proceeds from both eternally as from one principle and a single spiration. We declare that when holy doctors and fathers say that the holy Spirit proceeds from the Father through the Son, this bears the sense that thereby also the Son should be signified, according to the Greeks indeed as cause (aitia), and according to the Latins as principle of the subsistence of the holy Spirit, just like the Father.
The decree says here that the Son is a cause (
aitia) of the Holy Spirit
according to the Greeks, i.e., according to the
Greek (not the Latin!) understanding of that term. So, when you (mardukm) say that the Greeks understood
aitia to mean "First Cause," but the Latins did not, that does not seem to resolve the issue, because the Creed says that
aitia here is
aitia according to the Greeks (not the Latins). Indeed, the decree seems to emphasize in the very next clauses that the Son is a cause or principle of the Holy Spirit
just like the Father. The decree also emphasizes that the Father and the Son are
one principle (not two different principles, one primary and one secondary) of the Holy Spirit's subsistence. So, it very strongly seems that the decree really is saying, "We mean
aitia in the
Greek sense, so that the Son really
just like the Father, a source of the Holy Spirit," contrary to what you have suggested.
What is more, the decree never actually says anywhere that the Father is the source of the Holy Spirit while the Son is not, as you suggest when you say, "the Decree distinguishes the Father as 'source and principle,' while the Son is 'cause and principle.'" It is true that,
before the decree (thus not in the infallible declaration itself), the Pope says that the Father is the "source and principle
of all deity" -- but that's it, and there is nothing in the actual decree about this. Furthermore, the Pope immediately adds that calling the Father the "source and principle of all deity" is
not meant to exclude the Son from being a principle of the Holy Spirit. Instead, all that it seems to excluded is that the Son is the source of
all deity, i.e., the source of the Godhead itself; only the Father is the source of
all deity. This still allows the view that the Father causes the Son, who then, together with the Father (as
one and the same principle), causes (as an
aitia or source of the Holy Spirit together with the Father) the Holy Spirit. For, as the Pope says there himself, the phrase should
not be understood to "imply that the Son does not receive [the procession of the Holy Spirit] from the Father, because the holy Spirit proceeds from the Son . . . [so that] there is only one principle . . . of the holy Spirit."
In other words, both the Pope and the decree seem to be saying, "Yes, the Father is the source of
all deity, because He is the source of the Son, and the Son is the source of the Holy Spirit together with Him, so that everything ultimately traces back to the Father. But nevertheless, the Father and the Son are
one single principle of the Holy Spirit, where this is indeed to be understood
according to the Greeks as cause (
aitia). That is, the Son is indeed the causal source of the Holy Spirit together with the Father, as one principle or cause (
aitia). But only the Father is the source of
all deity, since He is the source of the Son and, together with the Son, of the Holy Spirit."
I am unsure how we can get around this reading, but hope to find a way. The Orthodox, ostensibly following St. Maximos and St. John of Damascus, would not likely accept it.