Chris Singel and I will be running another Reader Training class this Great Lent sponsored by the Metropolitan Cantor Institute.
Steve Puluka
MA, Theology Duquesne University
Cantor Holy Ghost Church
Carpatho-Rusyn tradition
Mckees Rocks, PA
http://puluka.comEpistle Reader's Short Course
Steve Puluka and Chris Singel will again be teaching a short course for church readers. This time, it will be held on three consecutive Saturdays - February 9, 16, and 23 - at St. Gregory Nanianzen Byzantine Catholic Church in Upper Saint Clair. The program will cover the role of the church reader or lector; the use of the Scriptures in our church tradition; and the melodies and techniques used for singing of Epistles and Old Testament readings.
Classes begin at 10 AM and end at 3 PM; lunch and all materials are included in the $15 course fee, which can be paid at the door. Please register in advance by calling (412) 735-1676, or writing to