The question that really should be asked is why is Orthodoxy in this region so authoritarian and anti-democratic?
I think the simple answer would be that the Church is not a democracy.
Having said that, though, I would hasten to add that the Orthodox Church has traditionally been considerably less autocratic than its Roman counterpart, which leads one to suspect that some actions of the ROC may be politically motivated.
... the non-canonical Ukrainian Orthodox (those free of the geopolitical control of the MP) and the UGCC have never been on better terms.
I've personally contributed to the building of a church which will be shared by both the UGCC and the UOC-KP. I've contributed to the publishing of a Ukrainian-language liturgical text which is now being used in UOC-KP parishes. I'm in correspondence with UOC-KP people and collaborate with them on social service projects.
At no time have any of these non-canonical Ukrainian Orthodox ever disparage me because I'm UGCC. They actually accept me just as I am and I'm pleased to be associated with them etc.
Makes you think of this, doesn't it?
See how good and how pleasant it is for brothers to live together in unity!
It is like the precious oil on the head, that ran down on the beard, even Aaron's beard;
__that came down on the edge of his robes;
Like the dew of Hermon, that comes down on the hills of Zion:
__for there the LORD gives the blessing, even life forevermore. (Ps. 133)
I was really amazed a couple of years ago, when our brother StuartK pointed out (if I understood him correctly) that throughout most of the period of the Arianist controversy, there was very little impact "on the ground" among the faithful themselves, who continued to treat each other as brethren and receive Holy Communion in each other's churches.
In the eyes of "Orthodoxy," EC's in Ukraine are illegitimate (spawned by Vatican conspiracy, no doubt). And the KP is uncanonical and therefore non-existent.
So nothing has changed in 500 years.
Well, God *definitely* hasn't changed!

And the Holy Spirit continues to move as He always has, in the hearts of the faithful. What's changed is that the call for unity is becoming louder and clearer. Let us pray that we will always be attentive to God's call!
Deacon Richard