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Fanar: Churches reach agreement on pan-Orthodox Holy Synod in 2016 8 March 2014 http://www.asianews.it/news-en/Fanar:-Churches-reach-agreement-on-pan-Orthodox-Holy-Synod-in-2016-30509.html Representatives of the various expressions of orthodoxy have agreed to meet in synod in two years. Meanwhile, a Preparatory Commission consisting of a bishop from each church will prepare the introductory documents. [ Linked Image] Istanbul (AsiaNews ) - The "sacred and great" pan-Orthodox Synod will be held in Istanbul in 2016 at the Cathedral of St. Irene. In the meantime, the Orthodox Churches, a Preparatory Commission - composed of a bishop from each church will begin preparatory work "in a fruitful manner" for the meeting . The same group will then serve as the secretariat during the meeting. This was decided by the Synaxis , the meeting of all the heads of the Orthodox Churches, gathered at the initiative of the Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew I. Prior to this pan-Orthodox meeting , convened in theory to discuss the situation in the Middle East and Ukraine , the head of the Phanar and the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Kirill had a long private discussion . Kirill's participation was in doubt until the very last, as the Russian patriarch had asked for "another date and another location" for the meeting . In the end, however, he was present when the Synaxis opened. According to some reports, the great Synod of the Orthodox Churches will be attended by 20 bishops from each Church (if each church has that many), every church will have a single vote during the final voting , decisions will be taken by consensus (ie, by the unanimous vote of the Fathers present). In the Orthodox world historically there the autocephalous patriarchates of Alexandria , Antioch and Jerusalem , while the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople is called the " Mother Church", as she gave birth to the Churches of Moscow , Bulgaria, Serbia , etc. . Currently, two realities coexist within the Orthodox world . Firstly, Constantinople, towards which the patriarchates of Alexandria, Antioch, Jerusalem, Sofia, Belgrade, the Churches of Greek language and culture , and the Church of Albania look. Secondly, the Patriarchate of Moscow which includes Georgia and the Churches of Poland and the Czech Republic; and, surprisingly, the Patriarchate of Romania. The Moscow Patriarchate does little to hide its hegemonic ambitions, especially among the Orthodox diaspora . The decision to convene a pan-Orthodox Synod seems to finally draw to a close an issue that has lasted for at least five decades. The Eastern Churches are autocephalous, and the internal discussions of the Orthodox world, there have been significant divisions that have prevented the possibility of a joint discussion . Perhaps the most critical moment was when Moscow - at the time led by Alexei II - ceased to name the patriarch of Constantinople in liturgies, as a reaction to Bartholomew I's proximity to the Orthodox Church of Estonia. The tension between the two patriarchates - derived from a theological discussion on the issue of "primus inter parese" - had effectively barred any progress on the preparation of a pan-Orthodox council.
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There is nothing on the Ecumenical Patriarchate's website though and the tone of this article is, well - 'interesting'... A fair amount of editorializing in there to say the least.
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FRIDAY, MARCH 7, 2014 Great and Holy Pan-Orthodox Synod To Take Place in 2016 A decision has been made by the Sacred Synaxis of the First-Hierarchs of the Orthodox Church, who are currently meeting at the Phanar by invitation of Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew, that a Pan-Orthodox Synod will take place in 2016 and not 2015 as the Ecumenical Patriarch initially wanted. The objections mainly came from Moscow who demanded better preparation, a preparatory committee, and a unanimous decision and presidency at the Synod instead of one president, the Ecumenical Patriarch. The Great and Holy Synod of the Orthodox Church will therefore take place in two years in Constantinople (Istanbul) in the historic Church of Saint Irene, and according to sources, from each Church 20 Hierarchs will participate instead of 13 which was the original plan. They will each have one vote and decisions will be made unanimously. http://www.johnsanidopoulos.com/2014/03/great-and-holy-pan-orthodox-synod-to.html#more
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Jerusalem will have to address the issues with the Antiochian Patriachate.
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Jerusalem will have to address the issues with the Antiochian Patriachate. According to Greek news, Jerusalem just signed. What issue is keeping Antioch from signing?
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What issue is keeping Antioch from signing? Qatar.
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NEW YORK - The Ecumenical Patriarchate issued on March 9, 2014, Sunday of Orthodoxy, a Communiqué upon the conclusion of the Synaxis of the Primates of the Orthodox Autocephalous Churchesand released the official Message of the Hierarchs of the Synaxis.
Following are both texts as released by the Ecumenical Patriarchate.
By the grace of God, the proceedings of the Synaxis of the Primates of the Orthodox Autocephalous Churches concluded today, on the Sunday of Orthodoxy. The Synaxis took place at the Phanar from 6-9 March, 2014, at the invitation and under the presidency of His All-Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew, and was attended by all the most venerable Primates in person, with the exception of His Beatitude Patriarch John of Antioch, who, due to illness, was represented by Hierarchs of his Church.
The proceedings of the Synaxis were carried out in a very fraternal spirit; the Hierarchs discussed maters concerning the life of the Orthodox Church in the contemporary world, and particularly in regions where Orthodoxy and Christianity in general face serious problems and difficulties; the Hierarchs also expressed their support and profound interest of the Orthodox Church in its entirety concerning their fellow human beings suffering in those regions. Above all, the Synaxis considered the prevailing situation in the Middle East and recent developments in Ukraine, as well as the ongoing uncertainty about the fate of the bishops, Metropolitan John of Aleppo, and Yuhanna Ibrahim of the Syriac Church, who were kidnapped by unknown persons a very long time ago.
In the framework of their Synaxis, the Primates also deliberated on the matter of the Holy and Great Synod of the Orthodox Church and decided that, upon expediting the process of preparation, it will be convened and presided by the Ecumenical Patriarch in Constantinople in 2016.
With regard to this matter, the Primates also determined issues related to representation and participation of the Orthodox Autocephalous Churches in this Synod, as well as the manner of decision-making at the Synod.
On Sunday morning, 9th March, the feast of Orthodoxy, the Primates concelebrated in the Patriarchal Church of St. George at the Phanar, where their Message to the Orthodox faithful throughout the world, their Christian brothers and sisters everywhere, and all people of goodwill, was read officially from the pulpit.
At the Phanar, March 9, 2014
From the Chief Secretariat of the Holy and Sacred Synod Synaxis of the Primates of the Orthodox Churches (Phanar, March 6-9, 2014)
In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
Through the grace of God, the Primates of the Most Holy Autocephalous Orthodox Churches, to the Orthodox faithful throughout the world, all of our Christian brothers and sisters as well as every person of goodwill: we extend God's blessing and our greeting of love and peace.
"We always give thanks to God for all of you and mention you in our prayers, remembering before our God and Father your work of faith, labor of love, and steadfastness of hope in our Lord Jesus Christ." (1 Thess. 1.2-3)
1. Having convened by the grace of our compassionate God, at the invitation of the Archbishop of Constantinople and Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew, at the Phanar, from March 6-9, 2014; having deliberated in fraternal love on matters concerning our Holy Church today; and concelebrating in the Patriarchal Church of St. George on the glorious occasion of the Sunday of Orthodoxy, we address you with these words of love, peace and consolation.
Inasmuch as our One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Orthodox Church dwells in the world, it also experiences the challenges of every age. Faithful to Holy Tradition, the Church of Christ is in constant dialogue with every period of time, suffering with human beings and sharing their anguish. For "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and to the ages" (Heb. 13.8).
The trials and challenges of history are especially acute in our days, and Orthodox Christians cannot remain uninvolved or indifferent to them. This is why we have assembled "together in one place" (Acts 2.1) in order to reflect on the problems and temptations facing humanity today. "There is fighting without and fear within." (2 Cor. 7.5) These Apostolic words are also valid for the Church today.
2. In reflecting upon people's suffering throughout the world, we express our support for the martyrdom and our admiration for the witness of Christians in the Middle East, Africa, and other parts of the world. We call to mind their dual martyrdom: for their faith as well as for the safeguarding of their historical relationship with people of other religious conviction. We denounce the lack of peace and stability, which is prompting Christians to abandon the land where our Lord Jesus Christ was born and whence the Good News spread to the entire world.
Our sympathy extends to all victims of the tragedy in Syria. We condemn every form of terrorism and defamation of religion. The kidnapping of Metropolitans Paul and Youhanna, other clergymen as well as the nuns of St. Thecla Convent in Maaloula remains an open wound, and we demand their immediate liberation.
We appeal to all involved for the immediate cessation of military action, liberation of captives, and establishment of peace in the region through dialogue. Christians in the Middle East are a leaven of peace. Peace for all people also means peace for Christians. We support the Patriarchate of Antioch in its spiritual and humanitarian ministry, as well as its efforts for reconstruction and the resettlement of all refugees.
3. We fervently pray for peaceful negotiation and prayerful reconciliation in the ongoing crisis in Ukraine. We denounce the threats of violent occupation of sacred monasteries and churches, and pray for the return of our brothers presently outside of ecclesiastical communion into the Holy Church.
4. A fundamental threat to justice and peace - both locally and globally - is the global economic crisis. The ramifications of this are evident on all layers in society, where such values as personal integrity, fraternal solidarity and justice are often wanting. The origins of this crisis are not merely financial. They are moral and spiritual in character. Instead of conforming to the worldly idols of power, greed and hedonism, we emphasize our vocation to transform the world by embracing the principles of justice, peace, and love.
As a result of self-centeredness and abuse of power, many people undermine the sacredness of the human person, neglecting to see the face of God in the least of our brothers and sisters (cf. Matt. 25.40,45). Many remain indifferent to the poverty, suffering and violence that plague humanity. 5. The Church is called to articulate its prophetic word. We express our genuine concern about local and global trends that undermine and erode the principles of faith, the dignity of the human person, the institution of marriage, and the gift of creation.
We stress the undisputed sanctity of human life from inception until natural death. We recognize marriage as the union of man and woman that reflects the union between Christ and His Church. Our vocation is to preserve the natural environment as stewards and not proprietors of creation. In this period of Great Lent, we exhort our clergy and laity to observe a spirit of repentance, to experience purity of heart, humility and forgiveness, bearing witness to the timeless teachings of our Lord Jesus Christ in society.
6. This Synaxis of Primates is a blessed occasion for us to reinforce our unity through communion and cooperation. We affirm our commitment to the paramount importance of synodality for the unity of the Church. We affirm the words of St. John Chrysostom, Archbishop of Constantinople, that "the name of the Church signifies unity and concord, not division." Our heart is set on the long-awaited Holy and Great Synod of the Orthodox Church in order to witness to its unity as well as to its responsibility and care for the contemporary world.
The Synaxis agreed that the preparatory work to the Synod should be intensified. A special Inter-Orthodox Committee will work from September 2014 until Holy Easter of 2015, followed by a Pre-Synodal Pan-Orthodox Conference to be convened in the first half of 2015. All decisions at the Synod and in the preparatory stages are made by consensus. The Holy and Great Synod of the Orthodox Church will be convened by the Ecumenical Patriarch in Constantinople in 2016, unless something unexpected occurs. The Synod will be presided by the Ecumenical Patriarch. His brother Primates of the other Orthodox Autocephalous Churches will be seated at his right and at his left.
7. Inseparably interconnected with unity is mission. The Church does not live for itself but is obliged to witness to and share God's gifts with those near and afar. Participating in the Divine Eucharist and praying for the oikoumene, we are called to continue this liturgy after the liturgy, sharing the gifts of truth and love with all humankind, in accordance with the Lord's last commandment and assurance: "Go ye, and make disciples of all nations . . . And lo, I shall be with you until the end of the ages" (Matt. 28.19-20).
8. We live in a world where multiculturalism and pluralism are inevitable realities, which are constantly changing. We are conscious of the fact that no issue in our time can be considered or resolved without reference to the global, that any polarization between the local and the ecumenical only leads to distortion of the Orthodox way of thinking.
Therefore, even in the face of voices of dissension, segregation, and division, we are determined to proclaim the message of Orthodoxy. We acknowledge that dialogue is always better than conflict. Withdrawal and isolationism are never options. We reaffirm our obligation at all times to be open in our contact with "the other": with other people and other cultures, as well as with other Christians and people of other faiths.
9. Above and beyond all challenges, we proclaim the good news of a God, who "so loved the world" that He "dwelt among us." Thus, we Orthodox remain full of hope. Despite all tensions, we nevertheless dare to hope in the "almighty God, who is and who was and who is to come" (Rev. 1.8) For we remember that the last word - the word of joy, love, and life - belongs to Him, to whom is due all glory, honor and worship to the ages of ages. Amen.
At the Phanar, the 9th of March, 2014
+ Bartholomew of Constantinople
+ Theodoros of Alexandria + Theophilos of Jerusalem + Kirill of Moscow + Irinej of Serbia + Daniel of Romania + Neophyte of Bulgaria + Ilia of Georgia + Chrysostomos of Cyprus + Ieronymos of Athens + Sawa of Warsaw + Anastasios of Tirana
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The OCA is conspicuous by her absence.
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Believe it or not, I think Constantinople does not recognize the OCA's canonicity. Remember, America is not the center of the universe.
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I believe that only the Churches of Russia, Poland, the Czech Lands and Slovakia, Bulgaria, and perhaps, Romania recognize the Tomos of Autochepaly given by Moscow to the former Metropolia in 1974. The fact that the MP permitted its own parishes in its North American jurisdiction to remain independent was one of the factors undercutting the act.
The lack of recognition of independent status however does NOT mean that the other Orthodox Churches view the OCA as not being a canonical Church. We are in full communion with them.
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Sorry, I really meant what DMD said, but did not have the brains/time to articulate it.
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^Google helps the aging memory! 
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I believe that only the Churches of Russia, Poland, the Czech Lands and Slovakia, Bulgaria, and perhaps, Romania recognize the Tomos of Autochepaly given by Moscow to the former Metropolia in 1974. The fact that the MP permitted its own parishes in its North American jurisdiction to remain independent was one of the factors undercutting the act.
The lack of recognition of independent status however does NOT mean that the other Orthodox Churches view the OCA as not being a canonical Church. We are in full communion with them. In general, this is why I think it is better to say that what is disputed is limited only to its autocephaly. It is de facto autocephalous (as its Holy Synod elects and consecrates its own protos), but the Ecumenical Patriarch and some other Churches do not recognize this de jure. The canonical legitimacy of its bishops is not in question, because those who do not recognize its autocephaly de jure would still recognize its bishops by virtue of the fact that Moscow (which would reserve the right to approve of episcopal consecrations within the OCA, according to those who reject its autocephaly) recognizes its episcopal elections to be lawful and valid.
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To All:
If the other Patriarchs do not follow His Holiness Bartholomew of Constantinople, then I can only foresee even worse times for the Orthodox Churches. Let us all learn from our Lord when He said, "A house divided will not stand." I wonder that if an agreement would be reached between the Patriarch of Rome and the Patriarch of Constantinople if other Patriarchal Churches would follow. There is a heresy condemned by the Council of Trent named "Conciliarism."
Your unworthy brother in Christ; Sean Forristal