Now really, I have been known to criticize the US, my own country, on this forum, but it would show a lack of gratitude at least on my part if I did not acknowledge that though it has been difficult for any non-protestant in this country, let alone Catholics, all of us have had in some way the opportunity to thrive in this country and have been enough welcomed by the once protestant establishment to do so. Many believe that the Founding Fathers acted in accord with English Common Law (which developed paralllel to the establishment of Christianity), that theism was on the wane at the time of the Revolution, and that Freemasonry, though repugnant, was never as virulent in the Anglosphere as on the Continent. Where we ended up is a fait accompli and it is best to take reality on its own terms.
Thanksgiving, btw, falls on a Thursday because that was a day sandwitched between the two days of fast and abstinence which were observed by Colonial America, are still observed by the Orthodox, but are just a faint glimmer in the eye of the Latin rite. It was established by George Washington, an Anglican who was supposed to posses a portrait of the Mother of God and the Christ child in home.