Hello, I'm a convert to Catholicism, I have recently taken an interest in the Melkite Church. I was wondering if a few specific questions could be answered that I have on my mind:
1) If I wanted to pray the Byzantine-rite Divine Office, how many books would I need? If I bought the Arbp. +Joseph Raya "Byzantine Daily Worship" would I have everything I need, or is it abbreviated--and if so, how would I be able to pray the Office fully without shelling out hundreds of dollars?
2) What Bible translation is used by the Melkites for English liturgy? (If it has to be specified: in the USA, and in Syria?)
3) I have noticed that a lot of liturgical books, like the Octoechos, don't seem to have any music printed in them, even though they are meant to be chanted. Am I to take this to mean that if one knows the tone for the text, one could chant it without any sheet music? Where could I learn how to do this for the Melkite liturgy?
Thank you for the help!