I just received a copy of the bimonthly newsletter of the priestless Russian Old Believers Church of the Holy Trinity in Erie, PA. It does not contain anything startling or historical, but it does describe a very successful event which I would like to share with you.

The editor reports that the church community had the BEST weekend picnic celebration EVER on Sunday, July 20. Their 100 year old nastavnik, Father Lavrenti Evanoff, joined Maxim Pashinin from Moscow (he initiated this year's celebration), Father Nikolai (the nastavnik from Suwalki, Poland, who lives in Riga, Latvia, but travels to Suwalki to lead religious services each weekend and holyday), and Old Believers from Detroit, MI, Marianna, PA, Millville, NJ, and Toronto, Canada. About 70 Old Believers attended the picnic, the MOST ever. The church was full for Sunday service; the weather was beautiful; and there was enough fried fish for all to enjoy.

This Old Believer church community may be small in size, but it is big in religious spirit and determination to survive.

Last edited by Polish American; 08/06/14 04:31 AM.