As many already know, the Christian East has a very deep foundation in the monastic tradition. Both amongst the Eastern and Oriental Churches, we take many of our greatest hierarchs and saints from the monastic ranks, and they have all helped to shape the Church along the way.
And, yet, after the various unias, it seems that the Eastern and Oriental Catholic Churches have downplayed (and/or lost) this monastic focus for a variety of reasons (Latinizations, persecutions, etc.). In spite of these forces, some monastic communities still continue to this day. A number of well-known monasteries are located in North America (such as Holy Resurrection Monastery), but is anyone familiar with Eastern & Oriental Catholic monastic communities outside of North America?
Thus far, I am only familiar with:
Monasterio Católico Bizantino de la Transfiguración [] (a Russian Greek Catholic community in Pigûé, Argentina)
Univ Holy Dormition Lavra [] of the Studite Rite (a UGCC community in Lviv Oblast, Ukraine).
Mekhitarist Monastery [] of Vienna (an Armenian Catholic community in Vienna, Austria).
Besides these three, does anyone know of additional Eastern and Oriental
Catholic monastic houses and communities outside of North America?
Thank you for your help!