Some of you may be aware, but last year, the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Cardiff generously allowed my Eparchy to start a mission parish in one of their under-used churches in the old dock area of the city.
In that time, we have had our struggles, but it has been an absolute privilege to oversee the launch of a Greek Catholic Church in strict accordance with tradition and - as time and money have allowed - conformity with physical requirements.
Just this past month, we have celebrated the installation of our iconostas, and today celebrated with full use of doors and curtains, etc. We also sing
all litanies, so visitors get a full taste of the Byzantine tradition. I suspect we are one of the few communities (Orthodox or Greek Catholic) to do so in English in the entire UK.
In any case, I present you a humble church transformed from a Roman Catholic schoolhouse/church serving dock workers at the beginning of the 20th century, to a Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church serving anyone in search of Christ in Byzantine vernacular.
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