As many may have already heard, scores of Christians from northeastern Syria were abducted today by members of Da'ish (Daesh), or what many refer to as ISIS.
Here is the news report from CNN . . .
ISIS abducts scores of Christians from northeastern Syria []
I belong to the Melkite Church, whose roots are in Syria, Lebanon, and neighboring regions. Most of my church members, including my priest and deacons, have family in Syria, many of whom are under direct threat from Daesh.
Please pray for our Syrian brothers and sisters, be they Melkite, Orthodox, Assyrian, Syriac, R. Catholic, Protestant, etc. Please pray for their deliverance. What they are experiencing is nothing less than extreme tribulation.
From Psalm 70:1-3 (which we pray in the Great Compline), which I pray for our Syrian brothers and sisters . . . "Graciously rescue me, God! Come quickly to help me, Lord! Let those who seek my life be confused and put to shame. Let those who desire my ruin turn back in disgrace."