Any insight on what this means? "Last week the institute was hit with a genuine institutional earthquake, with the decommissioning of its executive staff. The order, signed by the superior general of the Society of Jesus, Fr. Adolfo Nicolás Pachón, the deputy grand chancellor of the institute, was up on the bulletin board for just one day. But many were able to read it and find out.
As of Tuesday, April 14, rector James McCann and the deans of the faculties of ecclesiastical sciences and Eastern canon law, Philippe Luisier and Michael Kuchera, all Jesuits, have been removed from their positions. Called in to manage the institute temporarily, with the title of “ad interim” pro-rector, is Fr. Samir Khalil Samir, 77, born in Egypt, a prominent Orientalist and Islamologue, formerly a professor at the Université Saint-Joseph of Beirut and at other universities of Europe and America.And appointed as the new pro-deans are Frs. Edward G. Farrugia and Sunny Thomas Kokkaravalayil. The order was put into effect immediately, without waiting for the beginning of the new academic year. In the letter giving notice of the provision, the superior general of the Jesuits denounced the “uncharitable” spirit that has split the teaching community, with grave harm to the institute’s mission."