The Patriarch of Lisbon was recently given three bullets which were used to kill Christians in Syria.

The bullets were brought by sister Agnes Mariam de la Croix, an outspoken Syrian Melkite nun.

According to the nuns, when jihadists entered the home of these Christians they shot a young lady, who was not killed. She then heard three brothers being asked, in turn, if they would renounce their faith. All refused and were martyred.

The woman, who had recently had a dream of Our Lady in which the Blessed Mother handed her three red flowers, then had a vision of Saint Anthony of Padua (born in Lisbon), protecting the rest of the family who, as it turned out, were unharmed.

The bullets used to kill the three brothers were removed and now given to the Patriarch of Lisbon.

There is a video interview, which you can watch here Sister Agnes speaks in French, and the video is subtitled in Portuguese.