I heard someone mention something about schism - so I came running to see if I could help . . .

St Peter Wu Gousheng is one of the 120 canonized Martyrs of China, declared so by St John Paul II in 2000 AD.
He was born in 1768 in the Sichuan-Guizhou region in the west of China. He was an inn-keeper who was known for his charity to those in need, even before his baptism in 1796. He became a catechist and converted more than 600 of those who came to stay with him at his inn!
The Emperor of China at the time declared oppressive measures against Christians and Peter was arrested in April of 1814. He was tortured and was then condemned to die for his refusal to walk on a Crucifix.
(Treading and/or spitting of Crucifixes was a way that the pagan leaders of Asian countries could both identify Christians living among them and then condemning them to death for refusing to obey them in renouncing Christianity. In Japan, Catholics there actually developed Crucifixes that depicted Christ as a buddha/Enlightened One sitting in the lotus position. The police then stopped with that practice since they didn't want to be engaged in acts of disrespect toward the Buddha. I once came across a Chinese Catholic who had just such a Crucifix from the era of persecution . . .)
St Peter was strangled to death on November 7, 1814 as he cried: "Heaven, heaven my true home! I see my heavenly Mother and my Guardian Angel coming to take me home!" He also wrote to his wife from prison, where he led prayer services, to encourage her to be loyal to Christ etc.
Peter was beatified in 1900 by Pope Leo X111 and canonized in 2000 AD by St John Paul II as one of the 120 Martyrs of China.
He is commemorated on November 7th, the day of his martyrdom and also on September 28 as one of the Martyrs of China.