Good evening, all,
I'm a Latin Catholic with a deep interest in the Byzantine Churches; I've bonded well with the parishioners of the local Ruthenian Church nearest my home, and am trying to learn to pray at least some of the canonical Hours, in the traditional Byzantine way.
I've read up enough to be quite certain that, barring a LOT of spare cash and a LOT of time (i.e., "not needing to work") it is next to impossible to pray ALL the hours without living in a monastery. However, I have read that it is possible to pray a few--like Lauds and Vespers--in the regular state.
I purchased a copy of Archbishop Raya's book, "Byzantine Daily Worship," through Alleluia Press (it's a reprint).
Wonderful tome of beautiful prayers, Liturgies, and just general info. One thing I'm missing, though:
A "how-to" guide.
The Archbishop of Happy Memory put together a fine "compendium" of Byzantine Spirituality--but, as a Latin, I think I've become spoiled with the "idiot-proofed" Liturgy of the Hours--which basically hold your hand the whole way through.
Is there someone who might be able to point me to some sort of "beginner's guide," whether online or in print, of how to use the Archbishop's book, specifically? I'm aware that there are other books--but I heard that, if you could only afford one, this was probably the best in terms of "overall" completeness and ease of use.
Thank you all, in advance, for your help!