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When looking into attending, there was a sound bite of the Liturgy, in such I only heard the vernacular/English, chants, call and response type stuff.
My first of maybe many questions is, I thought the liturgy in the East was untouched, at least I have been told it remains intact in comparison to the dismantled roman rite after the unfortunate tinkerings mid-century of late. Wouldn't vernacular be a sign of change?
The Eastern Churches, Orthodox and Catholic, have an ancient tradition of using the vernacular. A number of changes that occurred in the Latin Church from the Second Vatican Council were changes encouraged at the Council by the heirarchs from the Eastern Churches- restoration of the "permanent" diaconate, restoration of the laity receiving Eucharist under both species, and Liturgy/Mass in the vernacular are three.
The second and further question would be, if indeed the Ruthenian Rite has been changed somewhat, and we in the Latin Rite would contend that that is a primary cause of what we could be seeing as general apostasy in our rite (post Vat II), are there any Byzcath Rites that have been fully retained, language and all?
The Ruthenian
[b]Church[/b] uses the Byzantine [b]Rite[/b] [
We have a parish in the local Latin Diocese which has been celebrating the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite continually, and daily, with permission from the local ordinary, since 1989, and an increasing number of other parishes serve it at least on Sundays. I have many friends who attend these and none of them claims "general apostasy" in the Roman Rite.
Even further, if there have been changes to the liturgy in any way at all on the Eastern Side, is this a decision of the Rite, Eparchy or a decision made by local parish?
Thanks ahead of time! Hopefully I am being clear.
My parish uses service books of the
Orthodox Church in America [
oca.org], with permission of our local ordinary. I believe most Churches have their own Typikon, Liturgikon, various services books, approved by the bishop currently serving at the time they were first published, and approved for use by the current Eparch/Bishop