It would appear he waited until he was at the meeting at Chieti before he took that opportunity.
Correct. Metropolitan Hilarion did not raise it up in his meeting with Pope Francis.
However, he has since raised the issue:
Prior to the plenary session, representatives of the Local Orthodox Churches held a separate meeting to discuss the agenda of the forthcoming plenary session. Metropolitan Hilarion reminded those present about the necessity to raise again the topic of Unia. The discussion of this issue began in the 1990s, but was broken off in 2000. “The actions of the Greek Catholics in Ukraine and their aggressive rhetoric aimed against (targeting) the Orthodox Church indicate (show) that the Unia remains a bleeding wound on the body of Christendom and the main stumbling bloke in Orthodox-Catholic dialogue,” the DECR chairman said, in particular.
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He also brought it up in his meeting with Cardinal Koch:
At the same time, the DECR chairman shared with his interlocutor his profound concern over hostile statements and actions recently made with regard to the Moscow Patriarchate and the Ukrainian Orthodox Church by leaders of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church. He also expressed the conviction that the issue of unia needs to be revisited by the Joint Commission for Orthodox-Catholic Dialogue.
Source. []
So far, though, it does not appear to be on the agenda for discussion.
Also, there is a Ukrainian Catholic on the Commission:
The Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church is represented at the meeting with Rev Ivan Dacko, president of the Ecumenical Institute of the Ukrainian Catholic University.
Source. []