Thank you, likethethief, for the info.
How I wish I could have been there! I am very happy to see that the congress was successful and that more such gatherings will take place.
I noticed in the group photo that not all Russian Greek Catholic (RGC) priests attended. Father Alexei Smith, pastor of Saint Andrew RGC Church in El Segundo, CA, was supposed to attend and chair some of the meetings but the parish was the victim of a recent robbery when someone broke into the parish safe and stole funds. Thus, Father Alexei could not go.

Details here. [])
I'm happy to see Fr. Sergey Golovanov was present. I had been wondering how he was doing after Rome declared invalid the decisons of the 2004 Russian Catholic council in which he was declared administrator for the RGC Exarchate in Russia.
The Wall Street Journal has an article about the congress. You need a subscription to read it on their website, but you can read the entire article on RISU:
link. []
Background info on the 2004 RGC council:
link. []
Rome invalidates decision of 2004 council:
link. []