Dear ByzJohn,
Old Believers are Orthodox Christians in Russia who refused to accept the liturgical reforms of Patriarch Nicon in the 17th century.
Prof. Paul Meyendorff's doctoral dissertation on them is available from St Vlad's Seminary Press.
At that time, the Russian Church had developed some traditions that were different from those of the rest of Orthodoxy.
For example, the Russian Church at the "Stoglav" Council (100 Heads) decreed that the Sign of the Cross was to be made with two fingers, extending the index and middle fingers (middle slightly bent) and grouping together the thumb and last two fingers - saying the Jesus Prayer rather than the Trinitarian invocation.
This council actually excommunicated anyone who did NOT make the Sign of the Cross that way!
The Russians then took Communion three times from the Chalice, and had a number of other pious practices.
By the time of Patriarch Nicon, reforms were introduced to annul the two-fingered Sign of the Cross and bring the Russian liturgical practice in line with the Greek usages. The Tsar of Russia saw himself as the new Emperor of the Orthodox East and so there was some politics involved - when isn't there?
Many Russians, including aristocracy, refused to give up their Sign of the Cross and other traditions. Many were burned at the stake. The Old Believer priest, St Avvakum was burned. The rest were excommunicated and these became grouped into "priestless" and "priestly" sects.
In 1977, the Russian Church lifted the anathemas of those times. Today, there is a "priestly" Church of BelayaKrinitsa that has canonized their martyrs and have a Metropolitan in Moscow - there are other church formations of the Old Believers. The priestless variety persist as well, and we have them in Canada.
The Old Believers make many prostrations and they believe that one must keep clean the right hand with which we trace the Sign of the Cross on ourselves.
They therefore bring a small embroidered pillow called a "Poddruchnik" to Church (you can see them in their churches lying against the iconostasis).
They place this in front of them, and place their leather prayer ladder or "Lestovka" on their elbow or else hold it.
To make a prostration, you first Cross yourself and as Old Believers do, bring your fingers to your forehead and say "Lord." Then, down to your stomach and say, "Jesus Christ" (to commemeorate His Incarnation in the Womb of His Mother) and then to the right shoulder and say, "Son of God" as He sits at the right Hand of the Father. And then to the left shoulder and say, "have mercy on me a sinner" since we ask God to save us from the fate of those on His Left and bring us to the Elect on His Right.
Then, release your hand and say, "Amen."
And then with your knees together, move forward and downward putting your hands on the pillow or rug and touching your forehead to your hands. And then stand back up.
A minor prostration is one that is done with the head to the waist level only.
Again, this could be a mat or a pillow of any kind.
Someone here might remember the Belaya Krinitsa website in Ukraine that sells Poddruchnyky and other Old Believer items.
The Old Believers are famous for their bronze Crosses and Icons.
In this, they imitate Christ's saying in John, chapter three I believe, where our Lord compares His Crucifixion to the lifting up of the bronze serpent by Moses in the desert.
There was a tradition in Ukraine and Russia where people actually wore little bronze serpents on their necks along with their neck crosses to recall this biblical quote as well!
You might wish to visit the site of the Old Rite Church of the Nativity. I know there is someone there who makes Lestovkas and they might have someone who makes Poddruchnyky as well ( []).
Their site also lists when the prostrations are to be made in Church.
The monastic rule of Russia generally states that ten prayer ropes (each prayer rope equals 100 Prayers) are to be done in community each day.
They make 30 prostrations with the Jesus Prayer then stand in silence doing the other 70 and do this ten times.
[ 09-09-2002: Message edited by: Orthodox Catholic ]