OK, it was yesterday and today, with the first two nights both done yesterday.
Our Lady of Wisdom in Las Vegas was past standing room only; I think there were some stuck outside, too.
If I counted correctly, a dozen byzantine priests, about two dozen Roman Rite priests, and five bishops (ours, our emeritus, the local RC bishop, our Metropolitan, and one more that I didn't quite get).
The lack of space meant that we in the KofC honor guard stood the whole time (and having wrenched my back and thigh ice skating a couple of days ago was not good preparation for that! My daughter brought me ibuprofen and water to lay down with when I got home, but didn't have to help me out of my low car).
As with St. Gabriel and Fr. Marcus, it seems that a large portion of the congregation got there by interacting with him somewhere else; the lady I sat with at lunch afterwords told method he was the first that helped with her pain after the loss of her son. I didn't get a chance to learn where she met him.
I asked him once why an eparchial priest was listened as an archimandrite and called "Monsignor."
He kind of shook his head, explained that he tried early on to straighten things out, and finally just threw up his hands and accepted Monsignor.

Eternal Memory
p.s. It seems that the Metropolis now has a small book of funeral rites for a priest