I agree it was wrong to move the center of the eparchy from Van Nuys to Phoenix. There is no consideration of moving it back.
The Church in the West is not doing that well. The population in the West has been growing. Phoenix has increased population by about 50% in the last 25 years. The cathedral parish there is about the same size as it was 25 years ago. The same is true about most of our parishes there. The Church is not even attracting the people who move West from Pennsylvania and Ohio. If you took all active members of the whole eparchy it would not fill any RC Cathedral.
As the saying goes, our Ruthenian liturgical tradition is a jewel. And our bishops do a great job hiding it under politically correct Leftist gender neutral language, abbreviations and clunky chant settings.
Thank you for your thoughtful comments. I fully agree our Ruthenian liturgical tradition is a jewel. I don't agree with the reasons you gave for the Ruthenian Church's lack of growth -- at least as it pertains to my Ruthenian parish. I think there are a number of reasons why small Ruthenian parishes don't grow. Let me name a few at least with regard to my Ruthenian parish:
1. I don't think most Ruthenian pastors are educated and trained on how to evangelize. Many have no idea where to begin. It's not an easy thing.
2. Many Ruthenian pastors and members of the laity (mostly disgruntled RCs) fear a loss of control should their parishes actually begin to thrive.
3. Many Ruthenian pastors and members of the laity (mostly disgruntled RCs) fear a dilution of Ruthenian spiritual and liturgical practices -- so-called "Latinizations."
4. Many parishes risk losing their small but solid financial base if they reach out and evangelize. In my parish all it would take is adding a dozen new tithing families/individuals to end this risk.
My parish has a terrific new pastor. It's located in a part of the world where it could
easily grow by 2X-3X. It has a physical plant that could support that. What remains to be seen if it has the expertise and commitment to actually make it happen.
It's going to have to be realistic though. If the parish actually begins to grow, rather than immediately push to fund an expensive church building expansion, maybe it needs to (GASP!) offer a Saturday evening DL, and/or a second DL on Sundays based upon when people would be most apt to attend.
Rather than pave-over its front lawn to provide more parking, maybe it needs to gleefully rely on ample street parking where people might have to walk half a block to the church's entrance.
Maybe it needs to embrace beloved local traditions (e.g. Santa Maria Style BBQ) for at least some of its celebrations.
In any event, there's a great deal that could be done -- at least for those parishes located in communities with ample populations and not shuttered former steel mill villages.