Christ is in our midst!!
There was a discussion of the Chaldean Liturgy on this board some time ago. It seems that there had been a reform that returned it to its historical roots, following the instruction of Vatican II to the Eastern Churches. That reform was being used in the eparchy in CA. Then a new patriarch was elected. The Chaldean Synod and he did another revision. There was some back and forth about the CA eparchy not using the latest revision because it was a radical departure from what had just been so carefully researched and introduced. When the bishop of the CA eparchy retired, a new bishop was sent from the Middle East and the latest version was introduced.
I don't understand what the push is among Eastern Catholic bishops to imitate the Latin Church's liturgical praxis, but that seems to be their starting point.
The Chaldeans seem to have been moving toward a liturgical practice that would be similar to the Church of the East, but this latest move seems to have moved them far away from that.
This seems to be what I have seen in the posts and following other online sources.