Dear Ken,
Actually, I've always had a close affinity for Methodism and John Wesley in particular.
As you know, Wesley loved to read the Fathers and he himself said he revered highly Clemens Romanus and so many others.
Wesley's rule of life is just so inspiring and it is taken from the ancient Fathers' disciplines.
He included weekly fasting, regular long prayer in the morning and evening, prayer at the "Apostolic Hours" at nine, noon and three, scripture reading, of course and the like.
He even used a rosary and also a cord that he tied knots on to repeat short scriptural prayers - I used to have a Methodist book of devotion that recommended tying such a cord.
His movement was about holiness and it produced great Christian saints, to be sure.
Francis Asbury is one of my favourites (what a holy, evangelical man of God!)
I want to obtain their official prayer book that has the full list of their saints and worthies.
One of my favourite books on the Rosary is by the Methodist Minister Neville Ward (Five for Sorrow, Ten for Joy).
Most of the Anglicans I know are High Church and, apart from some issues, are really very Catholic in their approach to Christianity.
I've a lot of time for the traditional Methodists especially and I like to think that we on the Catholic/Orthodox side can find inspiration from their tradition.