Hi everyone!

I hope that you all are well and in the grace and mercy of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. In my love of all things Eastern, I am stumbling about, trying to find my own "rule of prayer". May I say that after multiple readings of "The Way of a Pilgrim", the first 33 years ago, I have always been drawn to the Jesus Prayer. What attracts me is the calling on the Name of Jesus from a place of poverty, humility and repentance. I believe that this may mirror, in a small way, the practice of the Desert Fathers, the steam of whose tears rose from the deserts of Egypt. The Jesus Prayer is my constant companion. However, I feel the need to "plug in" to the heart of Eastern Christianity even more. I have been using "Orthodox Christian Prayers", published by St. Tikhon's Monastery about an hour and a half from me. All I can say is that I am greatly moved by the perspective of repentance and healing that I find on every page. I was wondering what others use for a prayer book. By the way, I use this prayer book with the knowledge and blessing of the Pastor of my Roman Rite Church. The answer for me is Him, Who as the sun, rises in the East. O Jesus, help me to find You in the East as I have in the West, and when I do, may I find the healing that can only come from Your Holy Presence among we wounded. Bless all the members and readers of these boards with Your Holy Presence. Lord, stay with us...
