I ordered the Psalter from Ancient Faith Publishing. I am excited for it to get here. It will be great to pray the Psalms, without political correction of the language, as in the breviary I have used in the past. I hope that the type is readable. For the reviews on the web page, people seem to indicate that it is. An Orthodox priest friend also recommended "The Psalter; According to the Seventy" listed on the Holy Cross Monastery, W. Virginia website. I might order this for my private prayer as it is a hard back and the other to travel with as it is a "cheap soft cover", as it is described in the reviews. Regardless, I thank you.
My Priest friend also sent me this link regarding the importance of the Psalms in the prayer life of individuals. It is well worth the half hour to watch.
I just received "The Ancient Faith Psalter" and I could not be happier. In all ways this product has exceeded my expectations, the most important of which is the font and style of the print due to my eye issues. Granted, it is a paperback. However, I will most likely order the hardback for home and use the paperback for travel. Thank you Devin for this suggestion.
The three volume Divine Office that I referred to I use only occasionally. If someone would use it daily, I am willing to part with it. There is no reason to have it collect dust on my shelf if someone would benefit from its use.
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