Archbishop Ján Babjak tested positive for coronavirus
On Saturday, September 18, the Greek Catholic Archbishop Ján Babjak underwent an RT-PCR test for the presence of the coronavirus SARS-COV-2 and his result was positive. The archbishop immediately went into domestic quarantine, is vaccinated and has only mild symptoms of the disease.
We informed the KBS secretariat about the illness and subsequently all the bishops who may have been in contact with Bishop Ján Babjak SJ were informed. They were advised to undergo coronavirus testing as a precaution.
At the same time, we ask people to be aware of the common cold that comes with changing weather, as the symptoms of a new coronavirus infection may be similar. (Google translation)
Archeparchy of Presov web site [] reports that Archbishop Jan Babjak, SJ has tested positive for covid 19 and is in quarantine.
Please pray for him, that the Lord God grant him a speedy and full recovery.
Lord, have mercy!