It has been a while since I’ve posted (apologies — I haven’t made checking these forums part of my routine), but I just wanted to express again how interested I am in this possibility! As far as mission needs go, if we do end up making some progress toward Liturgy, I would be very happy to assist by serving at the altar and/or as a reader (I have done both before in the Melkite Church, though service as a reader was in a time-to-time, non-ordained capacity). I’m also willing to write to anyone to confirm my interest, if that would help.
For those in this thread who are in the Richmond area, should we perhaps meet up? Form a Bible study and/or prayer group? There are also Orthodox churches nearby that we could likely attend together for Vespers and other services, particularly during the Nativity season (maybe Paraklesis?). If there’s interest in that, I’d also be willing to help arrange things.
Fr. Sean, do please keep us posted on any relevant info from Fr. Mark or Sayidna Nicholas (whom I believe is visiting HT today?). And thank you for your willingness to get involved!
God bless, all.
Last edited by Ecce Jason; 11/14/21 09:07 AM.