In years on this and other internet fora, we make many virtual acquaintences who become virtual friends and every now and then the rare opportunity arises to meet someone from whatever online community you frequent. It doesn't happen often so, when it does, the memory sticks with you. Several years ago, I had the opportunity to meet Deacon Ed Faulk when he traveled to Massachusetts for a meeting of the Melkite diaconate. We only had about an hour's time together, enough to get a cup of coffee and a pastry. It was a pleasant hour and we had a nice conversation before I led him through the back roads of Methuen on a much more efficient path than AAA's triptik (this being in the days before we all had gps). Last night, in reading the latest issue of Sophia, the Journal of the Eparchy of Newton, I was saddened to read that Deacon Ed had reposed in the Lord on 10 September of this year.
In your charity, please remember in prayer Father Deacon Edward Faulk, who was a member, and later an Administrator of this forum, both for many years, posting as Father Deacon Ed.
Ordained as a deacon of the Latin Diocese of Orange, CA, he became interested in Eastern Christianity after attending a Middle Eastern food festival at Holy Cross Melkite Church in Placentia, CA, and went on to serve both Holy Cross and his Latin parish for many years. He also authored "101 Questions and Answers on the Eastern Catholic Churches", a popular work that explained many of our customs and traditions. He relocated to Texas a few years ago and served Latin and Byzantine parishes there.
O God of all spiritual and corporeal beings, You Who trampled death, broke the power of Satan and granted life to the whole world, now, O Lord, grant rest to the soul of Your departed servant, the Deacon Edward, in a place of light, freshness, and peace, where there is neither pain, nor sorrow, nor mourning, but only life everlasting.
As You are a gracious God and the Lover of mankind, forgive him every transgression committed by him in word, thought, or deed, since there is no man alive who has not sinned, for You alone are without sin and You are the Resurrection and the Life, O Christ our God, and we render glory to You, together with Your Eternal Father, and Your most Holy, gracious, and life-giving Spirit, now and always and forever.
May his memory be eternal and may his wife, Diaconnessa Sandy, his children and grandchildren, and all of his loved ones be comforted in the prayerful expectation of being reunited with him in Heaven