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Akathist to the Most Holy Virgin Mary
The Undoer of Knots

Kontakion 1

To You, our Great Protector and Intercessor before the Throne of Almighty God in all the troubles and distress by which we are assailed in both body and soul, do we, in childlike supplication, take ourselves and falling at your pure feet we cry, as to our sure Refuge and Harbor of consoling peace and joy:

Rejoice, Victorious Mother of Mercy and Light, undoing the tangled knots of our life!

Ikos 1

You are a Source of Mercy, O Most Holy Birth-Giver of our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ. Grant your mercy even to us, your people, showing us, as always, your great power to resolve the many perils and problems that beset us as we sing:

Rejoice, for the Lord is with you!
Rejoice, for He was pleased to dwell within your womb!
Rejoice, for you accepted the Divine Will as His humble handmaiden!
Rejoice, for we unite our voice with that of the Archangel Gabriel in extolling your blessedness!

Rejoice, for the Word of God was pleased to transform you into His Palace of our Redemption!
Rejoice, Great Mystery before which heaven and earth do tremble!
Rejoice, more honorable than the cherubim!
Rejoice, more glorious beyond compare than the seraphim!

Rejoice, Mother of the Divine Son Incarnate!
Rejoice, who nourished Him as He grew in stature and in favor with all!
Rejoice, for He gave you to us who are members of His Body!
Rejoice, for you nurture us on the Milk of His Grace!

Rejoice, Victorious Mother of Mercy and Light, undoing the tangled knots of our life!

Kontakion 2

Your holy spouse, the Righteous Joseph, was assailed by difficulties as he contemplated how your Conception was achieved. An angel appeared to him in a dream to reveal God’s great plan for our salvation. Having untied the knot of his doubt, Joseph cried: Alleluia!

Ikos 2

As Joseph marveled how the uncontainable God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob could be contained in your womb, your prayers released him from his inward struggle to accept God’s beneficence toward us all, as he sang:

Rejoice, O Mother of the Saviour, the fulfillment of all prophecy!
Rejoice, for you are God’s chosen vessel, containing the Manna of our Redemption!
Rejoice, for you are the Mountain Uncut!
Rejoice, for, as with the Burning Bush of old, the Fire of Christ’s Divinity did not consume your womb!

Rejoice, Cloud from which dropped the Rain that has watered and made fruitful our barren souls!
Rejoice, holy Altar which bears the Bread of Life!
Rejoice, Queen of Angels, who stand amazed at your exaltation above them all!
Rejoice, Commander of all the holy bodiless messengers of God!

Rejoice, for He Who is invisible was made visible through you!
Rejoice, for through you has the dread Mystery of the Communion of His Flesh and Blood been given to us!
Rejoice, Fount of Deifying Grace!
Rejoice, source of our happiness and joy!

Rejoice, Victorious Mother of Mercy and Light, undoing the tangled knots of our life!

Kontakion 3

Upon hearing that your cousin, Elizabeth, was with child, you went with all haste to help untie the knot of her birth-giving of the Forerunner and Baptizer of your Son. As you entered her house, the Holy Spirit overshadowed her as she felt her baby leap in her womb at your coming with the Divine Messiah and she praised God saying: Alleluia!

Ikos 3

Elizabeth blessed you and then the Divine Fruit of your womb. We imitate her faith and humility as we honour you as the Ladder of Jacob upon which Christ came down from heaven without leaving the side of His Father Who fills our mouths with your praise:

Rejoice, for blessed are you among and above all women and men!
Rejoice, for blessed is the Divine Fruit of your womb!
Rejoice, New Eve who offers us life-giving sustenance from the Tree of Life!
Rejoice, for we have likewise been visited by the Mother of our Lord!

Rejoice, for your soul magnifies the Lord and your spirit exults in God our Saviour!
Rejoice, for He has looked upon the humility of His handmaiden whom all generations extoll as “Blessed!”
Rejoice, for the All-Powerful One has done great things for you and HOLY is His Name!
Rejoice, for He has appointed you to show His Mercy to those who fear Him and honor you!

Rejoice, for, by you, He shows the strength of His Arm in all our necessities!
Rejoice, for, through you, He has brought down the mighty from their thrones and has exalted your humility!
Rejoice, for, in you, He has filled our hunger with good things!
Rejoice, for, by your prayers, He supports us, His servants, in remembrance of His mercy!

Rejoice, Victorious Mother of Mercy and Light, undoing the tangled knots of our life!

Kontakion 4

You were invited to a wedding in Cana, together with your Son and His disciples, O Most Holy Virgin. The young bride and groom were soon faced with the knot of having run out of wine. Knowing your merciful benevolence, they took courage and asked you to intercede on their behalf, crying: Alleluia!

Ikos 4

As the Mother of God and Queen of Heaven and Earth, you boldly went to your Son and Lord to tell Him: “They have no more wine.” As if to show generations of His followers the might of your persistent intercession on their behalf, the Lover of Mankind said: “What is that to Me and to you? My time has not yet come.” Tasting the goodness of the wine made from water at your request, we exclaim:

Rejoice, Mother of Mercy, who compassionately understands every one of our trials!
Rejoice, Virgin all-powerful, who wipes away every tear from our eyes!
Rejoice, Woman clothed with the Sun, whose intercession with the Lord and your Son is unfailing!
Rejoice, O Lady, who tells us to “Do whatever He tells you!”

Rejoice, Calming of the tempests of our lives!
Rejoice, Helper in all our necessities!
Rejoice, sure Relief in our suffering!
Rejoice, Calm Harbor in the turbulent seas of life!

Rejoice, our Gateway to the Kingdom of your Son!
Rejoice, Fulfillment of the Old Testament jars of water!
Rejoice, for your Son gives us the best Wine of the New Testament!
Rejoice for you reveal to us wine turned into the Precious Blood of your Son!

Rejoice, Victorious Mother of Mercy and Light, undoing the tangled knots of our life!

Kontakion 5

You kept all these things in your heart, pondering on the words and deeds of your Divine Son during His mission to bring salvation to the world. Standing beheath His Cross on Calvary, your heart was again alight with burning suffering at the sight of His Passion. Kneeling before you, Most Sorrowful Virgin, we exclaim: Alleluia!

Ikos 5

“Why are You treated thus, my Beautiful Son?” the Most Holy God-Bearer cried in her anguish. “In giving me Your disciple John as my son, You have also given me all believers in your Divinity so that, by Your Power, I may undo the knots of their suffering!” And so, with John the Theologian, we sing:

Rejoice, mother of the Word made Flesh!
Rejoice, for the Word was in the beginning!
Rejoice, for the Word was with God!
Rejoice, for the Word was God!
Rejoice, Sorrowful Mother standing beneath the Cross of Christ!
Rejoice, for Simeon’s prophecy that a sword shall pierce your soul was fulfilled!
Rejoice, for you laid bare the thoughts of many!
Rejoice, mother of Him Who was destined for the fall and rise of many in Israel!

Rejoice, Mother of us all, covered in the Blood of your Son, Jesus Crucified!
Rejoice, Holy Altar on which was placed the Bread that came down from Heaven!
Rejoice, Vinedresser of the Holy Cluster on the Tree of Life from which dripped the Mystic Wine!
Rejoice, and do not weep for you have been given many generations of children to be their Helper in all necessities!

Rejoice, Victorious Mother of Mercy and Light, undoing the tangled knots of our life!

Kontakion 6

Having trampled death by His Death on the Cross, your Divine Son arose from the tomb on the third day, roaring like a Lion of Judah. Before manifesting His Resurrection to His disciples, the Lord Jesus first attended to you, His grieving mother, to quench your sorrow and bring you unending joy, as you exclaimed: Alleluia!

Ikos 6

He who untied the great knot of your sorrowful pain, by the power of His Resurrection imparted to you His Grace to untie our knots of suffering by your intercession. Blessing you and the Risen Fruit of your womb, we joyfully sing:

Rejoice, New Jerusalem who shines in the Light of the Resurrection of Christ!
Rejoice, for He has power to lay down His Life – and power to take It up again!
Rejoice, for you were the first to glorify your Risen Son!
Rejoice, for He wiped every tear from your eyes and transformed your sorrow into great joy!

Rejoice, for Your Son’s disciples run to you for consolation and support in their evangelical commission!
Rejoice, for you raise your arms to glorify your Son Who ascends to the Father!
Rejoice, for He appoints you the nurturing mother of His Body, the Church!
Rejoice, for a torrent of miracles flow from your hands upon all who have recourse to you!

Rejoice, for in your Dormition and assumption into Heaven, you did not leave us orphans!
Rejoice, for the Most Holy Trinity crowns you with a triple crown of glory, power and wisdom!
Rejoice, for you are the sceptered Queen of heaven and earth!
Rejoice, for you are more beautiful than the sun and compared with the light, you are found to be superior!

Rejoice, Victorious Mother of Mercy and Light, undoing the tangled knots of our life!

Kontakion 7

“Eve, by her disobedience, tied a knot of disgrace for humanity, whereas Mary, by her obedience, undid it,” cried the holy Bishop and Father of the Church, Saint Irenaeus. We who are the poor and banished children of Eve have tied many knots by our sins and offenses against the All-Merciful God Who so loves mankind. We fly to your patronage, Most Holy Virgin Theotokos, asking you to cover us with your Veil of Protection against the fiery darts of the evil one, as we cry to you with all our hearts: Alleluia!

Ikos 7

Most Holy Virgin and Sovereign Lady, you pray for us incessantly before the throne of your Divine Son Who deigned to bestow upon you power to work miracles for us here on earth on behalf of His afflicted people. As the Mother of His Church, you nurture us on the Milk of your grace so that we may grow into the full stature of your Son and our Lord, Jesus Christ. And so we sing:

Rejoice, Great Sign that appeared in the heavens!
Rejoice, Woman clothed with the Sun!
Rejoice, Queen bearing a crown of twelve stars!
Rejoice, Sceptred Lady with the moon at your feet!

Rejoice, Glory of the Angels!
Rejoice, Praise of the Saints!
Rejoice, Joy of the Martyrs!
Rejoice, Support of Venerable Monastics and Virgins!

Rejoice, Fulfillment of the Prophets!
Rejoice, Mainstay of the Apostles!
Rejoice, appearing to them after your assumption into heaven to untie their knots of suffering!
Rejoice, consoling them with the assurance of your immediate intercession at the words: Most Holy Theotokos, come to our assistance!

Rejoice, Victorious Mother of Mercy and Light, undoing the tangled knots of our life!

Kontakion 8

You are our true mother, Most Holy Virgin Mary, as you show us your merciful care and benevolence, time and again, through your precious and miracle-working icons. In these latter times, you manifest your power and influence with your Son on our behalf through your new and wondrous image “The Untier of Knots.” Gazing upon its great spiritual beauty, we are prompted by your Spouse, the Holy Spirit, Who bids us cry: Alleluia!

Ikos 8

Your holy image, Most Holy and Immaculate Mother of God, shows how you have crushed the knotted serpent of old beneath your feet. Angels attend to you, their Queen, ready to be sent out to us as your healing messengers at your command. You stand arrayed in the Divine Light of your Son and in royal red and blue robes that proclaim your Divine Motherhood as you untie the knots on a cord symbolizing our lives, as we sing:

Rejoice, our Heavenly Protector, who comes to us upon clouds!
Rejoice, Commander of the Angelic Hosts!
Rejoice, destroyer of the source of the knots in our lives, the serpent of old!
Rejoice, Immaculate Theotokos who crushed his head!

Rejoice, Mother of Light, enlightening our darkened souls!
Rejoice, for you take into your own hands the knotted cords of our lives!
Rejoice, for you busy yourself as the Heavenly Seamstress to undo the tightness of their grip!
Rejoice, for you intercede directly with Him for Whom there is nothing that is too hard!

Rejoice, new Conqueror, who cuts through the Gordian knot of our sinfulness and suffering, overcoming the world thereby!
Rejoice, for our knots are like stormy waves which you calm and bid us walk over!
Rejoice, for we look to you as our great Refuge and Harbor of salvation!
Rejoice, for you bid us be tethered to your Son and to “Do whatever He tells you!”

Rejoice, Victorious Mother of Mercy and Light, undoing the tangled knots of our life!

Kontakion 9

The Venerable Pachomius once thought to overcome the knots of the enemy of old with knots on a cord with which to count his prayers in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Seeing the holy father’s earnest endeavor, the evil one cut through the knots until the venerable one had tied them round in a number that signified completeness of Divine Grace. Having overcome the enemy with his Angelic knotted cord, Pachomius cried: Alleluia!

Ikos 9

Most Holy Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary, you appeared to a desert-dweller revealing to him your Life-giving Rule on the knotted cord by which you loosen the insurmountable knots of our lives. You asked your holy servant to say your psalter daily to obtain your help and protection. And so we implore:

Rejoice, Theotokos Virgin Mary, Full of Grace!
Rejoice, for you are truly blessed above all!
Rejoice, for blessed is the Fruit of your womb!
Rejoice, for you have given birth to the Saviour of our souls!

Rejoice, for the knots of your cord overcome the gates of hell!
Rejoice, for we are strengthened and refreshed as we salute you as did once Gabriel the commander of the Bodiless Powers!
Rejoice, our great Leader, who arms us with the sword of the Spirit!
Rejoice, for you bid us always keep the Name of your Son on our lips and in our minds and hearts!

Rejoice, Mystical Rose, whose blossoms indicate the path toward heaven!
Rejoice, Ark of the new and everlasting Covenant!
Rejoice, Morning Star heralding the Sun of Justice!
Rejoice, our tireless defender before the Throne of your Son!

Rejoice, Victorious Mother of Mercy and Light, undoing the tangled knots of our life!

Kontakion 10

O Virgin most powerful, O Mother of the afflicted! You always come to our aid, helping us in our necessities as you cover us with your miraculous Mantle of Protection. To aid us, you do what you wish, where you wish and when you wish, by your appearances and admonitions to us, by your holy and wonderworking icons and your incessant intercessions on our behalf. Awed by the depth of your love for us and the power given to you by your Son, we exclaim: Alleluia!

Ikos 10

You are with us, Most Holy Theotokos, and therefore none can be against us. We fly to your patronage and merciful benevolence imploring you to undo the knot of disbelief and sin with your protection and grace, singing:

Rejoice, bearer of glad tidings at Lourdes!
Rejoice, for the sun danced to your voice at Fatima!
Rejoice, for you remind us that the wages of sin is death!
Rejoice, for you call your children to renewed repentance and prayer for a sinful world!

Rejoice, Immaculate Virgin who placed your imprint on Juan Diego’s tilma!
Rejoice, for the enemy’s cannonballs fell backwards at your outstretched Mantle at the Pochaev Monastery!
Rejoice, for Constantinople glories in your victorious patronage!
Rejoice, our Unconquered Defender of Christians!

Rejoice, for you exude sacred and miraculous oil from your wonderworking icons!
Rejoice, for they are sources of your healing among us still!
Rejoice, for in them you meet with your poor and suffering children to embolden them with faith and courage!
Rejoice, for your holy and grace-filled images console us in all our needs!

Rejoice, Victorious Mother of Mercy and Light, undoing the tangled knots of our life!

Kontakion 11

You are the Mother of the Great Physician of all, O Most Holy Sovereign Lady and Ever-Virgin Mary! Christ our Divine Savior pours His healing Grace upon the world through your hands. Assailed by disease and pestilence in these latter days, we run to your patronage imploring you to intercede for the sick, for those who have died and for those who care for the afflicted, placing themselves in grave danger. So we cry: Alleluia!

Ikos 11

As the Merciful Undoer of the Knots of all manner of sickness and disease, we ask you to cover us with your Mantle of Heavenly Protection and to work your wonders for us today. As you crushed the serpent of old, so too crush the pestilence that is upon us under your feet, healing the ailing and bringing those who have reposed to the Kingdom of your Divine Son. With deep compunction for our sins but also with unshakeable faith in your power, we sing:

Rejoice, undoing the knots of sickness and pestilence!
Rejoice, for you are the harbor of safety in the midst of overwhelming waves of trouble!
Rejoice, for your Son and our Lord Jesus Christ applies your prayers to our pain and suffering like heavenly salve!
Rejoice, for you console those who lose hope!

Rejoice, for you transform lives with the power of the Holy Spirit!
Rejoice, for you banish diseased turbulence with the words, “Peace, be still!”
Rejoice, for your Son refuses nothing that you, His Mother, asks of Him!
Rejoice, Holy Physician, personally attending the beds of the ailing!

Rejoice, for your motherly love and care for us knows no bounds!
Rejoice, for the medicine of your curing grace is most effective!
Rejoice, for you bid us to be still and know that your Son is God!
Rejoice, for you remind us to do whatever He tells us!

Rejoice, Victorious Mother of Mercy and Light, undoing the tangled knots of our life!

Kontakion 12

O Theotokos Virgin, we praise you unceasingly and beg you to gaze upon us, your sinful children, as we implore you to take the many knots of our lives into your most pure hands to unravel their twisting sorrows. We have no other hope before the Throne of Almighty God than you, Mother of the Divine Savior. We call upon you, our Mother who is always ready to come to our assistance, crying: Alleluia!

Ikos 12

We place our troubles and suffering in your most pure hands, Ever-Virgin Mary, here at your Shrine where you await us, your children, as we come to you, the Uncut Mountain, ascending to see you, our Queen and Sovereign, who grants us our every wish for the good of our salvation and exclaiming:

Rejoice, Helper of those who are homeless!
Rejoice, Nurturer of the abandoned!
Rejoice, sure staff of the elderly!
Rejoice, strong defender of the persecuted!

Rejoice, mainstay of those without work!
Rejoice, horn of plenty for the poor!
Rejoice, supporter of families!
Rejoice, helper of orphans and widows!

Rejoice, showing mercy to all who suffer!
Rejoice, consoler of the afflicted!
Rejoice, friend of the lonely!
Rejoice, fulfillment of those who are in need!

Rejoice, Victorious Mother of Mercy and Light, undoing the tangled knots of our life!

Kontakion 13

O Most Holy Mother of God who are always ready to untie the many knots troubling our lives, our families and our country! Receive our petitions and bless us, your children, who have recourse to you. Undo those knots as only you know how and bring us the peace that the world cannot give which is in Christ Jesus, your Son and our Lord. (Ikos 13 is repeated 3 times)

(Ikos 1 and Kontakion 1 are repeated here)

Prayer to the Most Holy Mother of God, Undoer of Knots

We fly beneath the protection of your wonderworking Mantle, O Most Pure Ever-Virgin Theotokos and our Sovereign Lady and venerate your sacred image, “The Undoer of Knots.”

Loosen our suffering and troubles and release the tightness of their painful grip over our lives, bodies and souls. You who have boldness before your Divine Son and our Lord Jesus Christ in all things, show us once again your wonderworking power as Queen of heaven and earth and Mother of the Church.

From His Cross on Calvary, Our Lord Himself bequeathed you to us. Hearken then, Lady of Mercy and Light, to our supplications. Strengthen our faith and ripen within us the Fruits of the Holy Spirit. Deepen our devotion to you as the one who served for the wondrous Mystery of the Incarnation of the Invisible God in your womb which became more spacious than the heavens!

We place the cords of our lives with the knots of our suffering and sorrow into your hands, Most Holy Virgin Mary, and implore you to undo them with your miraculous power, returning peace and calm to our minds and hearts.

We consecrate ourselves to you, Most Pure Theotokos and ask you to inspire your ceaseless praise in us knowing that whosoever finds you, finds eternal life through your Son, our Lord, God and Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen.

Written by Alexander Roman, PhD
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This is beautiful. Thank you for sharing it.

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It was written for the Byzantine Catholic shrine of the Theotokos, Undoer of Knots on Mount Lemmon, Arizona. There will be further edits. I find consolation in it and I'm happy you do as well!

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The first miracle of Our Lady, Undoer of Knots took place before the icon of Mater ter admirabilis, which is a miraculous copy of the miraculous original icon of Salus Populi Romani.

[Linked Image from]

The story of the Devotion to Mary, Untier of Knots begins with the German nobleman Wolfgang Langenmantel (1568-1637). For some years, he had been married to the noblewoman Sophie Imoff, but by the year 1612 the couple was on the verge of a divorce. To save their marriage, Wolfgang decided to pay a visit to Father Jakob Rem, a Jesuit priest who lived at the monastery and university of Ingolstadt, located seventy kilometers north of Augsburg.

Over a period of 28 days, Wolfgang visited Father Rem four times and received advice from the holy priest, who was honored for his wisdom, piety and extraordinary intelligence. In fact, Father Rem was believed to have experienced an apparition of Mary in the course of which she appeared to him under the title of “Mother Thrice Admirable.”

During their meetings, Wolfgang and Father Rem would pray together and venerate the Virgin Mary. On the day of their last visit together, September 28th, 1615, Father Rem had been praying in the chapel of the monastery before an image of the Virgin Mary under the title of “Our Lady of the Snows”. [aka “Mother Thrice Admirable"]

When the two men met, Wolfgang gave his wedding ribbon to Father Rem. (In the marriage ceremony of that time and place, the maid of honor joined together the arms of the bride and groom with a ribbon in order to represent their invisible union for the rest of their lives.) In a solemn ritual act, Father Rem took Wolfgang’s wedding ribbon and lifted it up, while at the same time untying the knots of the ribbon one by one. As Father Rem smoothed out the ribbon, it became intensely white. Because of this happening, Wolfgang and Sophie were able to avoid a divorce and continue their marriage.

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Dear Griego Amigo!

There is a miraculous copy of Our Lady Salus Populi Romae in Ukraine (hopefully its shrine hasn't been bombed)

And Vladyka Kyr Bryan has been installed as the Eparch for Eastern Canada for the UGCC. Our Lady of Guadalupe is everywhere now . . .


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