Are you at all interested in Christian history, spirituality, or theology? Would you like to know more about the very idea of faith and the ancient Orthodox Christian faith in particular? Would you like to support the efforts of one priest to offer non-polemical, non-partisan resources that are appropriately rooted in tradition and academically-sound?
If so, I ask you to consider becoming a subscriber, or even a one-time donor, to my work via ko-fi. There, you will find links to all of my social media work, which I like to think is the equivalent to having access to some decent classes and discussions at a very reasonable cost. There is more to be had, of course, by going to
my linktree page [] and clicking on the links there, but it is at ko-fi that you can show your tangible support. This is important, as I seek to develop a sustainable long-term income from writing and teaching.
Whatever the case, I appreciate you taking time to read this!
Priest Jacob on []