I didn't quite know where to put this so I decided to do it here.
A presbyter of the Melkite Greek Catholic Church will be presenting his doctorate work at St. Vladimir's in a webinar this coming Tuesday.
https://www.svots.edu/node/31092From SVS:
Fr Elias Dorham (D.Min. ‘23) will present his doctoral research in a webinar entitled “The Good Wine: Strengthening Marriage through Mutual Forgiveness,” at 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday, May 23, 2023. Director of the Doctor of Ministry program, the Very Rev. Sergius Halvorsen will give introductory remarks.
Fr Elias introduces his research as follows:
Many married couples experience challenges in the areas of communication and navigating conflict. Over time these challenges can lead to the breakdown of marriages and families. To better help the people I serve, my D.Min. project focused on creating a model of ministry that helps couples understand and navigate the everyday challenges in the areas of communication and conflict within the context of an Orthodox Christian vision of marriage as mutual martyrdom/mutual sanctification. Seen this way, challenges in marriage can help couples to grow spiritually and personally, and can serve as an applied marital mystagogy for couples, strengthening marriages and families.
Join us for this thought-provoking and edifying presentation on the Orthodox Christian approach to communication within marriage.