The novel can be read online:
Shoes of the Fisherman []
It would have been more authentic if Cardinal/Pope Kiril had been depicted in the film as described in the novel:
In all there were eighty-five men, of whom the eldest was ninety-two and the youngest, the Ukrainian, was fifty. As each of them arrived in the city, he presented himself and his credentials to the urbane and gentle Valerio Rinaldi, who was the Cardinal Camerlengo. (Page 10)
[Rinaldi] offered his hand to a tall, thin Cardinal and led him to the pulpit. When [Kiril Lakota] stood elevated in the full glare of the lights, they saw that he was the youngest of them all. His hair was black, his square beard was black too, and down his left cheek was a long, livid scar. On his breast, in addition to the cross, was a pectoral ikon representing a Byzantine Madonna and Child. When he crossed himself, he made the sign from right to left in the Slavonic manner... (Page 18)
In 2019, the novel was published in Ukrainian and illustrations of Pope Lakota were drawn from photographs of Patriarch Joseph Slipyj.
English article:
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Ukrainian article:
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RISU article:
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Book can be ordered from publisher:
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Book and film can be ordered as well:
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