I always think it's good to share news like this, because 1) I'm American, and, 2) As a Catholic, heavily interested in what is going on with Ukraine, I like knowing what is going on with the Church, there. This may or may not surprise y'all, but I have never been to a Ukrainian Greek Catholic church (though, I have been to a Ruthenian Byzantine one). What really spurred my interest in Ukraine, was talking to people from there, and that have lived there. Mostly Orthodox, some Protestant, and a few Catholics. I know a priest (an Abbott of a monastery, at that) that is a UGCC iconographer (he would sometimes celebrated Divine Liturgy at the local Melkite church). And while he is not of Ukrainian ethnicity, Ukraine seems to be really close to his heart, as I know it is to a lot of yours, and as I know it is to mine.
Delegation of UGCC Bishops Visits U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops [ugcc.ua]
Anyway, I hope y'all will check this out.