Please pray for my wife and I, that God bless us with children. For some unknown reason (the doctor was clueless) I'm sterile, but that hasn't stopped me from praying and looking for natural ways to heal my body, but that's another story. We tried adoption twice (about 4 years) with nothing but frustration and dead ends, so God doesn't want us going that route. Yet we both somehow feel that God will bless us yet, myself in particular, as I've always had an affinity for the story of Abraham. His faith in God inspired me many times in our marriage, and before, and wonder if its some premonition from God. I adapted the following prayers from the Antiochan Orthodox Pocket Prayer Book: feel free to share them with anyone you know in a similar situation:

O Holy Father, God of Life, heavenly Physician of our souls and bodies, who hast sent thine only-begotten Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, to heal all our infirmities and deliver us from death, do thou thyself visit and heal thy servants, granting us release from pain and sorrow and restoration to health and vigor, that our union may be fruitful and blessed with children raised to the glory of thy name, unto whom are due all glory, honor, and worship, to the Father and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, both now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Foreasmuch as thou art a fountain of tenderness, O Mother of God, make us worthy of compassion, look upon your unworthy servants, and present our prayers to thy Son, that for the sake of thee He takes pity on our plea, and answer our prayer. Amen.