Hello all. thank you for allowing me to join the forum.
I am converting to Christianity from a childhood of Protestantism (independent fundamental Baptist). I am going to be confirmed on Christmas Eve this year to the Melkite Catholic Church.
I have several questions around the 'selection' of a confirmation Saint. I plan to speak with my priest about this but would like to have my thoughts more in line.
1.) where do we go to learn about their lives? growing up protestant i may have heard whispers in reference to St. Ignatius but nothing beyond that. the only time sainthood was mentioned is to say that "everyone who believes in Christ is a saint."
2.) given question 1, many descriptions of the saint's lives I've read are brief and don't give me a sense of who they were. I bring this up because much of what I've read about choosing a saint's name revolves around selecting one whose life resonates with what I aspire to or that i find inspirational.
3.) is it appropriate to select a saint in either the eastern or western traditions?
4.1) is it appropriate to select a saint i've 'felt' drawn to? I ask this because much of the 'religion' is was raised in depends a lot on feelings and this is something i'm attempting to deconstruct. what feelings i have in relation to faith i try to test or ignore.
4.2) given that described in 4.1 is appropriate, i've always felt drawn to St. Michael, St. Timothy, and Job. Michael because of his obedience to GOD, Timothy because of his willingness to follow Paul, and Job for his steadfast reverence to GOD despite great trouble. all of these I aspire to be.
5.) given 4.2 i wonder if it is appropriate to select a saint who is, 1) from the OT, and 2) who is not officially canonized by either the Orthodox or Catholic Churches.
thank you for your time and answers.