Sadly, the prospects are very dim due to a number of reasons. The main ones I can think of being:
1. The Russian Greek Catholic Church, which includes the Old Rite, is purposely left in a gray area by the Vatican due to a demarche with the Russian Orthodox Church. There are Apostolic Exarchates without Exarchs but there is an Eastern-Rite Ordinary (Joseph Werth) officially without an Eastern-Rite Ordinariate. Meanwhile, the Belarusian Greek Catholic Church now has an Apostolic Administration while the Albanian Greek Catholic Church was removed from the Annuario Pontificio, indicating its suppression.
2. Old Believers are even more averse towards Catholicism than your standard Russian Orthodox. I've seen and read polemics about how the Nikonian Reforms was a surrender to the "heretical" Greek Orthodox who joined the Catholic union of Florence-Ferrera. In modern practice, the Russian Orthodox Church (except ROCOR) accepts Catholic baptisms while Old Believer denominations rebaptizes Catholic converts.
Nonetheless, here is a Russian website listing historical and present communities: